Lately I have been hearing interest in the abbot among my friends so i am starting a static group to get this down, if you wish to reserve a spot please post below with what toon you would like to go, your level,class, and stage of flagging.
1. Azriell (16/cleric)
2. Shiar (16/sorc)
3. Kastalia (16/sorc)
4. Revrend (16/cleric)
5. Tethtoril (16/tank)
6. Cersiv (16 ranger/tank)
7. Nitrous (16 ranger/tank)
8. Open
9. Automation (16/cleric)
10. Cazzion (16/pali)
11. Arcsz (16/Sorc)
12. Open
We made great progress today got the tile and meteor rooms handled, still a little rough on the ice room will need to practice that, we also pulled some tome pages in our pre raid runs.
Umm lets pick up the runs again tomorow at 8 30 pm EST.