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  1. #1
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Post Jaerlach, Defender of Siberys

    Updated: 17 Dec 2010.

    This build is now updated to current, reflecting changes in equipment, paladin access to intimidate, and the transition to a 36 point build.

    People interested in making this build should consult the very bottom of the post, where I'll discuss what statistical layouts are appropriate for someone who isn't building their statistics around +3 and +4 tomes. I've also chosen not to take divine might 4: I'd need to drop a strength bracket to get it, and I'd rather have 1 hit, 1 damage and spend 0 AP than get 0 hit, 2 damage and spend 4 action points. It simply improves the build more, especially for epic quests, where I'm pretty much able to never turn off power attack. With the change to epic mob to hit, it's also pretty easy to become unhittable for epic trash, though I rarely find this necessary in a good group; its easier to two-hand and kill the held stuff. It is, however, a nice option if something's going badly.

    Jaerlach, Defender of Siberys v 4.0
    Human Paladin 20 (36 pt)

    Str: 40/42/44 (18 base + 4 tome + 5 lvs + 1 enh + 6 item + 4 DoS + 2 yugo, and +2 helm swap and +2 ring swap)
    Dex: 22	(12 base + 4 tome + 6 item)
    Con: 22/26	(14 base + 2 tome + 6 item, +4 dos or +2 excep)
    Int: 13	(10 base + 3 tome)
    Wis: 17	(8 base + 3 tome + 6 item)
    Cha: 26	(15 base + 3 tome + 6 item + 1 excep + 1 enhancement)
    Note: Ship buffs not included in statistics (add 2 to each for all 6 shrines if you wish)

    11 ranks UMD
    23 ranks intimidate
    23 ranks concentration
    6 ranks balance
    1 rank tumble

    1:  Toughness
    H:  Khopesh
    3:  Dodge
    6:  Power Attack
    9:  Improved crit: slash
    12: Combat Expertise
    15: Maximize Spell
    18: Quicken Spell
    Equipment layout: Ideal gear

    Note: I have a ton of swap items.

    Eyes: Mineral 2 goggles: wizardry 6, 15 hp, 20 hp, 1 cha skills, 5 con skills, heavy fort, protection +5
    Head: Epic Shining Crest of St Markus (deathblock, gtr healing lore, toughness), Seeker +6/intim 15 event hat, natural armor 5/intim 15 hat
    Neck: Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II (no need to epic it: it's just a colorless slot), Epic Hyena-Claw Necklace (15 intim, con 7, toughness), Epic Siren's Charm
    Cloak: Concordant Opposition: 10 hp, 1 str skills, 150 sp, 5 cha skills, 6 wisdom
    Belt: Belt of the Defenders of Siberys (6 con, greater false life) or Colethenis's belt (6 con)
    Hands: Epic Gloves of the Claw (6 str, 5 stacking intim, 30% healing amp), Seven-fingered gloves
    Boots: Epic Kundarak Delving Boots (fom, 6 cha), Epic Firestorm Greaves (fire absorb, 6 cha, greater falselife), Epic Golden Greaves (striding 20, 6 cha), boots of anchoring
    Bracers: Chaosgarde (dodge +2), Epic Bracers of the Claw (heavy fortification, +2 excep con)
    Ring1: Band of Siberys (6 strength, 1 charisma, healing amp or +2 str, dos set bonus), Ring of the Ravager (6 str, 1 str, 2 str, ravager set bonus)
    Ring2: Chattering ring (dodge +3), Epic Ring of Venom (6 dex, sneak attack +4)
    Trinket: Epic Bloodstone, Epic Gem of Many Facets

    Armor: Epic Red Dragonplate: Socketed Greater Nimbleness, +6 dexterity

    Shield: Epic Kundarak Warding Shield, socketed +7 ac and Good Luck. Epic swashbuckler also an option for doublestrike.


    Mineral 2 Khopesh: Insight 4
    Lightning 2 Khopesh: Insight 4

    Epic Sword of Shadows, silvered: main DPS weapon

    Epic Chaosblade, silvered: Main threat-tanking weapon

    Major gear swaps:

    Sevenfingered+epic big top is 39 UMD. Ravager ring+belt and ring of venom provide DPS mode, along with Claw Bracers+gloves. In tanking mode, the epic gem of many facets allows continued completion of the claw set bonus (4 damage, 20% threat) as well as completion of the epic Siren's set, providing insight 4 when using either the epic sword of shadow or the epic chaosblade. The chaosblade is, accordingly, a better threat weapon than the mineral2 khopesh by a fair margin. These combine to significantly improve threat-tanking ability. Hyena claw provides intimidate and toughness and can be socketed +1 con to provide 20 additional hit points.

    The helms are interchangable: The shining crest is Minos Legens on steroids, providing greater lore for my healing as well as toughness and a free deathblock. Putting +1 str on the helm of the red dragon means its +2 str to wear it in dps situations, meaning that in straight DPS gear I'll run 40+ strength before titan's grip with full sneak attack, seeker, and an epic SoS that break all raid boss DR. Its not quite the same as the same build as a KOTC, but for a character who's DPS mode is their 3rd priority, it's incredibly good. Its also more flexible than KOTC dps builds against non-outsider damage, making it a more flexible damage-dealer for epic content. Big Top provides a UMD bonus to help make up for the UMD I've shed through giving up Command and my old skill focus: UMD.

    Especially in tank mode, the saves on this build are incredibly high, well into the range of being meaningless numbers (the buffed numbers are over 40 in every category).

    In addition to covering the armor class and damage, the healing amplification is also extremely high: 20% from human, 30% from claw, 20% more from tod ring, 5% from paladin and 10% from the airship buff create 216% healing amplification. With a +2 str ring instead of the healing amp ring, it's a mere 180%. Combining the 85-90 armor class with healing amplification on that level ensures that the waves of exhaustion fix does not make tanking overly difficult.

    The AC and skill breakdowns will follow the enhancement layout for those interested in the specifics.

    My enhancements:

    Divine Might 1-3 		[6 AP]
    Paladin Cha 1			[2 AP]
    Human Str 1			[2 AP]
    Human Healing Amp 1-2		[4 AP]
    Bulwark of Good 1-4 		[10 AP]
    Resistance of Good 1-3		[6 AP]
    Follower/Sov host 		[2 AP]
    Unyielding Sovereignty 		[4 AP]
    Extra Smiting 1-3 		[6 AP]
    Exalted Smiting 1-2 		[3 AP]
    Divine Sacrifice 1-2 		[6 AP]
    Extra Lay on Hands 1-3		[6 AP]
    Defender of Siberys 1-3 	[8 AP]
    Paladin Weapons of Good 	[2 AP]
    Paladin Devotion 1-2 		[3 AP]
    Divine Righteousness 		[1 AP]
    Racial Toughness 1-2 		[3 AP]
    Paladin Toughness 1-2 		[3 AP]
    Total				[76 AP]
    (defender of siberys requirements: 3 AP)
    Focus of Good 1
    Courage of Good 1
    Paladin AC Boost 1
    I have one left-over action point. I use it on extra turning to have an even number of turns for when divine righteousness and divine might are dual-purposing.

    AC breakdown (base)

    10 base
    16 plate
    06 dexterity
    05 protection
    03 chattering
    02 chaosgarde
    06 own aura
    01 dodge
    02 set
    01 armor alchemical
    04 stance
    05 natural
    04 inspire heroics
    01 haste
    02 recitation
    04 insight
    03 airship buffs
    75 ac base

    THF mode:

    +4 shield wand
    79 ac THF PA mode
    S/B Modes

    09 shield
    01 shield alchemical
    85 ac s/b PA
    05 combat expertise
    90 ac S/B CE mode
    Airship buffs make a big difference.


    Skill breakdown:


    23 ranks
    15 item
    6 charisma skills
    8 charisma bonus
    4 greater heroism
    2 luck
    5 gloves of the claw
    2 coinlord feat
    2 bard song
    67 intimidate


    11 ranks
    6 cha skills
    8 cha bonus
    4 gh
    29 before swaps
    +3 epic bigtop
    +5 seven-fingered gloves
    +2 luck
    39 umd swapped around (though there's rarely a need to do that)

    New Character advice

    A gear layout that's more modest, especially one that isn't based on the red plate, is a lot easier to do: only 20 dex, not 22, is necessary for even the other epic armors. This makes it easier to go 12 dex and drop to 16 strength to bring charisma to 16 for a new build. It'll also be necessary for those players to find one more point for intelligence, so it might be easier to go to 15 str and keep the 13 dex: then you can hit 20 with regular spectral gloves before you get your epics, too. A 15/13/14/11/8/16 build is probably the way to go for a new 32 pt build.

    If you are a 34 or 36 pointer, you should spend those points bringing back strength. A 16 str is very good (a 34 pt) so that you are back at a bracket with just a +2 tome (putting you 1 tome, 1 base behind me, so just 2 points).This is the kind of build that benefits a lot from doing a lesser reincarnation after you've raided a while and really started to tome twink, since almost everything is based on a minimum-required statistic (dex, int, cha).

    I have no commentary on your action points. Action points are variable and easy to reset. What's best for you will depend on particulars of your equipment and exactly what you're doing at a given time. You need to learn to figure that stuff out yourself. With a character like this, you'll adjust all your AP every time you get a new item or tome to take advantage of AP savings offered by human stat enhancements.

    I have no comments on other racial variants. I think the human healing amplification and feat are very important to doing this particular build. I would not want to make the commitment to 12 con for a drow build. I don't think the elven falchion advantage is significant either, since both it and drow bonuses cost a lot of AP that you simply do not have. Human healing amp I + 1 feat + better stat enhancements = win.
    Last edited by Junts; 03-30-2011 at 01:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Hero uhgungawa's Avatar
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    Just a thought,

    How would it look if you took 2 monk instead of fighter ?

    Points of intrest

    would lose 1 point of STR
    Hunt a +3 tome (just take time)

    would have a few less HP
    you can spend 2 enhancement point and be +1 for the swap

    not shure how the AC would work out, but you can go one setup for evasion, and go back to heavy if the ac is better when needed

    you still get 2 extra feats, but they are limited
    but the toughness and dodge feats you have listed are part of that list

    monks get more skill points.

    No matter how you look at it, you have a good looking build. and my thughts are just off the top of my head, and haven't looked into them to see how it would fall.

    My way does have a major down side. if the heavy setup gives you the AC you want, that's a lot of gear to get to have both setups
    ........................................... I <3 22/7
    Sassy, Babbette, Migette, Snip, Phatass, Bimbette, Sassette, Wentch, Duelingbanjo, Jaillbait, Sticki *WARNING* ALL PM'S ARE OPEN TO POSTING *WARNING*
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  3. #3
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uhgungawa View Post
    Just a thought,

    How would it look if you took 2 monk instead of fighter ?

    Points of intrest

    would lose 1 point of STR
    Hunt a +3 tome (just take time)

    would have a few less HP
    you can spend 2 enhancement point and be +1 for the swap

    not shure how the AC would work out, but you can go one setup for evasion, and go back to heavy if the ac is better when needed

    you still get 2 extra feats, but they are limited
    but the toughness and dodge feats you have listed are part of that list

    monks get more skill points.

    No matter how you look at it, you have a good looking build. and my thughts are just off the top of my head, and haven't looked into them to see how it would fall.

    My way does have a major down side. if the heavy setup gives you the AC you want, that's a lot of gear to get to have both setups

    If you were changing the splash, changing 2f into 1f/1rog would probably work better; wisdom is the dump stat here, and there dexterity mod is already maxed out in plate; an evasion-form of equipment would require you to do the following:

    take off fp and shield (-26 ac)
    add a dragontouched robe that covers the same sets of effects (because required modifiers like gfl and cha are on the dt plate, so double your grind), which is +6 ac, and gain 3 ac for wisdom (net loss -17)
    Then use a two-handed weapon for dps, or a single weapon without shield for stat/effect, since you lack the feats for twfing.

    That's a degree of sacrifice that I don't entirely find feasible; also, doing the monk levels costs you intimidate as a class skill, making it all that much harder to make your ac effective.

    a 2 rog splash could use the shield still and might be able to muster an evasion semi-ac form, but at the cost of feats.

    If I were gonna modify this build to gain -new- abilities that it doesn't have, it would be to drop str 1 point, put 2 of thsoe points into dexterity, and reach 17 with a +3 tome; then, drop sf: intimidate, dodge and use the lv 18 feat to acquire the whole twf line (giving up elite-quality intimidating and 1 ac for a 'I have zeal-30 str-dps mode' twfing khopeshes.

    In fact, until the defender prc came out, I wished I could do the second, which might be an even more flexible build, though it would probably still have to cart the shield a lot; a character with 20 dex and 16 wisdom is very dependant on heavy armor to reach ac levels that let 5 lay hands per shrine (in m9 anyway) and healing amp carry it through entire quests.

    In any case, there are very few locations/spells that give me issues; with firestorm greaves and a 32 reflex (using the circle of hatred and hogf) plus self-cast 30 point resistance, I'm about to trade my cloak of ice for lack of use; fire damage isn't an issue, and this toon routinely zergs ahead through the fire section of sos, and is capable of healing itself through the entirety of that (in a bad run, it then has to shrine, if thrown about 5 scrolls, which with some scroll mastery hit it for 180-200 from a cleric, it goes the whole quest without shrining) while killing things with con damage; people do forget that s/b swings much faster than thf, and with zeal/haste his swing output is 124 swings/minute (I've counted this many times); that's enough to take mobs down quickly.

    only debuffing aoe users (abbot), mazimied aoe users (abbot and sorjek chain lightnings, or living spell-cast spells without the appropriate ring of the djinn/firestorms) and cometfall offer serious reflex-save damage issues, cometfall is by far the worst due to the inability to mitigate it's damage with resistances or absorption equipment.

    This is sort of the example of a character that has so much of everything else that, at least in the present content, lack of evasion is a relatively minor problem; it would be nice, but there's so much healing amp, physical damage mitigation and absorption/self healing that he gets by well without it.

    Not to say evasion isn't necessary, but Nick's posted a barbarian that has an equal lack of difficulty with it's lack of evasion; 10+ reflex save etc makes a big difference between what happens to this guy and what happens to your typical s/b fighter. (8 saves from divine grace, 4 more from aura)

  4. #4
    Hero uhgungawa's Avatar
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    - FP & shield = -26
    DT robe +6 (w/ dodge bonus +9), Dex bonus +5, W/ +3 wis tome and 1 monk wis is wis bonus 4 = total of +18
    total difference of -8 but have evasion

    and you can still swap as needed. not saying that it's the right path for you, just different. I would think that being able to have evasion in the need arises would be nice
    ........................................... I <3 22/7
    Sassy, Babbette, Migette, Snip, Phatass, Bimbette, Sassette, Wentch, Duelingbanjo, Jaillbait, Sticki *WARNING* ALL PM'S ARE OPEN TO POSTING *WARNING*
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  5. #5
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    The 5 dex bonus is already accounted for; he's got this in heavy armor. So is the dodge 3 (he has the chattering ring, no stacky).

    I thought rog2 would be a better evasion mechanism; otherwise, you're giving up entirely on being an intimitank (without max ranks), etc - it's a totally different character then.

  6. #6
    Community Member Comfortably's Avatar
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    Well amist trolling the forums I happend to walk across this thread I have to say that an intim/snb tank has never really apealed to me much before 4 nights ago during a vod and I thought to my self...normal? If other people aren't going to roll a tank that can fill this slot then I will.

    Not even finding this thread untill my verson of this build is lvl10, I am almost positive that we have the same starting stats and somewhat the same "build goals". I'd just like to say that I have had alot of fun lvling up this toon, being able to pull agro off a gimp party member is great lol.

    /free bump Junts
    Jeets said he wouldn't tell Turbine. ;(

  7. #7
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    I have been lookin for a tank build for a paladin. I like the way this build looks but i was wondering if you didnt have to worry about the self-healing how would the enhancments and feats change?

  8. #8
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mictank View Post
    I have been lookin for a tank build for a paladin. I like the way this build looks but i was wondering if you didnt have to worry about the self-healing how would the enhancments and feats change?
    I'd pick extend back up, have 2 feats to do whatever I wanted with, and 3 action points (you want to keep human improved recovery, since it helps other people heal you).

  9. #9
    Community Member Valezra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    Lay on hands with the 32% healing amplification nets 295 a use, at 5 uses + sovereignty + the self healing, the character can self-heal while tanking some raid bosses for extended periods (he once took out about 20% of the Judge in tower of despair by himself in a near-wipe situation)
    I did the math on my own LoH's with 25% Healing Amp and came up with 315 HP. (Paladin 18 and Charisma of 28 eventually), did I do something wrong in my calcs?


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  10. #10
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valezra View Post
    I did the math on my own LoH's with 25% Healing Amp and came up with 315 HP. (Paladin 18 and Charisma of 28 eventually), did I do something wrong in my calcs?

    How did you come up with 25% healing amp?

    that isn't an achievable figure in DDO.

    healing amps stack multiplicatively, so

    20% item + 10% human = 32, 20% item + 20% human = 44

    There isn't a combination of items in the game that would produce 25% healing amplification.

    that loh number is for 26 cha; i should change it

    Both my paladins now get 332 per use (28 cha, 32% amp)

  11. #11
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    Hey Junts,

    I am a 28 pt at 20 and am thinking about TRing so I can get 34pt and work back up to level 20 raiding (for exp) and getting 20 completions on each raid for gear.

    I was wondering,
    1. What is your personal opinion about this Jaerlach and Aryenne in regards to which one is more fun?
    2. Which character build I should go to. I seem to enjoy dpsing but I also want to be able to solo quests and being a decent tank. I've only seen Sulomedes tank (in which we always use a wf anyways) and the devil in Shroud.

  12. #12
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    Junts I have a question, if you had the 36 point reincarnate build, what would you place them in?

  13. #13
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    question about self healing tank build.

    I started my 18pally/2fighter with the 17,12,14,11,8,14 build
    and read somthing about changing it to start with some different stats
    my question is instead of putting my lvl points into str since i started at the 17
    I am lvl 4 and put my lvl 4 pt into str but what should the later lvl pts be put into
    2 into cha for base 16?
    1 into dex and 1 into int?

    i couldnt take dodge at lvl 3 because i only had the 12 dex and didnt get a 1dex tome to drop
    i took cleave instead was that a bad choice?
    would thf be better than cleave?

    im really enjoying this build so far but what would be my best use of lvl pts and tomes in the future
    i will swap cleave for dodge when i can but as i said no tomes yet

  14. #14
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    What id also like to know is, what does he mean by the dragon touched for the 15 AC yet has some sorta Epic Vambraces in the armor slot?

  15. #15
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edgarius View Post
    What id also like to know is, what does he mean by the dragon touched for the 15 AC yet has some sorta Epic Vambraces in the armor slot?
    Dragontouched full plate is a kind of craftable armor available in the Reaver's Reach questline, it has 2 more base armor class than does normal full plate (eg, its base is ac 15, max dex of 1).

    I use an epic armor with a similar armor class (and better/unique traits), but getting the ingredients to make epic items is very, very time consuming and difficult, so most people playing a build like this are very likely to use the dragontouched armor for months of being level 20 before they get in sniffing distance of the ingredients required to create the epic vambraces of inner light.

  16. #16
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    what stat in human adapt do you take or is it all of them?

  17. #17
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockaway View Post
    what stat in human adapt do you take or is it all of them?
    You can only take two human adapts: you respec and swap them depending what stats you need to round out. Sometimes I only take one, if I only have one stat to round out (right now, I'm only taking constitution .. if I got a +4 cha tome, i wouldn't need it and would adjust elsewhere, probably putting it to strength).

    Str is the first stat I have enhanced for most of the character's lifespan, and charisma the second. Human adapt is one of the biggest advantages of being human: you can turn +1 in nearly any stat into +1 in your better stats through adjusting your enhancements right.

  18. #18
    Community Member ArtosKincaid's Avatar
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    I noticed you have Litany listed as one of you trinkets - is it really worth it to use it on a paladin? It seems like you'd lose more than you'd gain out of it.

  19. #19
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    What I still cant figure out is, what combo did you do to get your goggles to come out the way it did? I messed around with it for an hour in two different planners.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edgarius View Post
    What I still cant figure out is, what combo did you do to get your goggles to come out the way it did? I messed around with it for an hour in two different planners.
    Eyes: Mineral 2 Goggles: wizardry 6, 1 charisma skills, +35 hit points, +5 concentration skills, protection 5, heavy fortification
    Greensteel Goggles With Wizardry VI, +1 Cha Skills, +15 hp, +2 Con Skills - Stoneskin (2/day), +20 hp, +3 Con Skills - Heavy Fortification, +5 Protection

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****
    * Green Steel Section *
    * Altar of Fecundity - Meridia *
    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****

    Use either formula to create your item. Only one needs to be used.

    Greensteel Goggles

    Formula #1
    Gather These Raw Materials:
    0 - Bitterscrub Fungus From: Ritual Sacrafice, Running With The Devils
    2 - Chipmunk Funk From: Coalescent Chamber, Let Sleeping Dust Lie
    3 - Locus Husk From: Let Sleeping Dust Lie, Vale Rare Chests
    2 - Glistening Pebble From: Rainbow In The Dark, Running With The Devils
    3 - Lammanian Lily Petals From: Ritual Sacrafice, Vale Rare Chests
    2 - Green Briar Twigs From: Coalescent Chamber, Rainbow In The Dark
    4 - Eberron Energy Cells From: Vendor By Alter
    5 - Shavarath Stones: Might (Ritual Sacrifice), Battle (Running with Devils), Strategy (Let Sleeping Dust Lie), Victory (The Coalescense Chamber), Foresight (Rainbow in the Dark)

    Create - Filaments of Toil
    Combine: Locus Husk, Lammanian Lily Petals, Glistening Pebbles, Green Briar Twig, Eberron Energy Cell

    Create - Violet Taper
    Combine: Chipmunk Funk, Locus Husk, Lammanian Lily Petals, Glistening Pebbles, Eberron Energy Cell

    Create - Wonderous Oil
    Combine: Chipmunk Funk, Locus Husk, Lammanian Lily Petals, Green Briar Twig, Eberron Energy Cell

    Create - Shavarath Signet Stone
    Combine: Stone of: Might, Battle, Strategy, Foresight, Victory

    Create Final Item - Greensteel Goggles
    Combine: Shavarath Signet Stone, Eberron Energy Cell, Filaments of Toil, Violet Taper, Wonderous Oil

    Formula #2
    Gather These Raw Materials:
    1 - Bitterscrub Fungus From: Ritual Sacrafice, Running With The Devils
    2 - Chipmunk Funk From: Coalescent Chamber, Let Sleeping Dust Lie
    3 - Locus Husk From: Let Sleeping Dust Lie, Vale Rare Chests
    2 - Glistening Pebble From: Rainbow In The Dark, Running With The Devils
    3 - Lammanian Lily Petals From: Ritual Sacrafice, Vale Rare Chests
    1 - Green Briar Twigs From: Coalescent Chamber, Rainbow In The Dark
    4 - Eberron Energy Cells From: Vendor By Alter
    5 - Shavarath Stones: Might (Ritual Sacrifice), Battle (Running with Devils), Strategy (Let Sleeping Dust Lie), Victory (The Coalescense Chamber), Foresight (Rainbow in the Dark)

    Create - Filaments of Toil
    Combine: Locus Husk, Lammanian Lily Petals, Glistening Pebbles, Green Briar Twig, Eberron Energy Cell

    Create - Violet Taper
    Combine: Chipmunk Funk, Locus Husk, Lammanian Lily Petals, Glistening Pebbles, Eberron Energy Cell

    Create - Wonderous Oil
    Combine: Bitterscrub Fungus, Chipmunk Funk, Locus Husk, Lammanian Lily Petals, Eberron Energy Cell

    Create - Shavarath Signet Stone
    Combine: Stone of: Might, Battle, Strategy, Foresight, Victory

    Create Final Item - Greensteel Goggles
    Combine: Shavarath Signet Stone, Eberron Energy Cell, Filaments of Toil, Violet Taper, Wonderous Oil

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****
    * Tier 1 Upgrade Section *
    * Altar of Invasion - Shroud Part 1 *
    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****

    Positive - Escalation - Ethereal
    Wizardry VI, +1 Cha Skills

    Gather These Raw Materials (From Shroud Part 1 Chests):
    2 - Small Glowing Arrowheads
    1 - Small Gnawed Bones
    2 - Small Infernal Chains
    3 - Small Devil Scales
    1 - Small Twisted Shrapnel
    3 - Small Sulfurous Stones
    1 - Shard Of Power
    5 - Shavarath Low Energy Cells From Chests Within the Shroud, or the Vendor in Part 3

    Create - Inferior Focus Of Positive
    Combine: Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Gnawed Bone, Small Devil Scales, Small Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Low Energy Cell

    Create - Cloudy Gem Of Escalation
    Combine: Small Infernal Chain, Small Devil Scales, Small Twisted Shrapnel, Small Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Low Energy Cell

    Create - Diluted Ethereal Essence
    Combine: Small Glowing Arrowhead, Small Infernal Chain, Small Devil Scales, Small Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Low Energy Cell

    Create - Imbued Shard Of Power (Positive)
    Combine: Inferior Focus Of Positive, Cloudy Gem Of Escalation, Diluted Ethereal Essence, Shard Of Power, Shavarath Low Energy Cell

    Create Final Item - Greensteel Goggles With Wizardry VI, +1 Cha Skills
    Combine: Greensteel Goggles, Imbued Shard Of Power (Positive), Shavarath Low Energy Cell

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****
    * Tier 2 Upgrade Section *
    * Altar of Subjugation - Shroud Part 3 *
    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****

    Earth - Escalation - Material
    +15 hp, +2 Con Skills, Stoneskin (2/day)

    Gather These Raw Materials (From Shroud Part 2 & 3 Chests):
    2 - Medium Glowing Arrowheads
    1 - Medium Gnawed Bones
    2 - Medium Infernal Chains
    2 - Medium Devil Scales
    3 - Medium Twisted Shrapnel
    2 - Medium Sulfurous Stones
    1 - Shard Of Great Power
    5 - Shavarath Medium Energy Cells From Chests Within the Shroud, or the Vendor in Part 3

    Power - Depleted Shavarath Medium Energy Cell With +6 to +15 Weapons (Combine Weapon & Energy Cell on Alter)

    Create - Focus Of Earth
    Combine: Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Gnawed Bone, Medium Infernal Chain, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    Create - Gem Of Escalation
    Combine: Medium Infernal Chain, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    Create - Material Essence
    Combine: Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    Create - Imbued Shard of Great Power (Earth)
    Combine: Focus Of Earth, Gem Of Escalation, Material Essence, Shard of Great Power, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    Create Final Item - Greensteel Goggles With Wizardry VI, +1 Cha Skills, +15 hp, +2 Con Skills - Stoneskin (2/day)
    Combine: Greensteel Goggles(With Tier 1 Upgrade), Imbued Shard Of Great Power (Earth), Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****
    * Tier 3 Upgrade Section *
    * Altar of Devastation - Shroud Part 5 *
    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****

    Earth/Mineral - Escalation - Material
    +20 hp, +3 Con Skills, Heavy Fortification, +5 Protection

    Gather These Raw Materials (From Shroud Part 4 & 5 Chests):
    4 - Large Glowing Arrowheads
    2 - Large Gnawed Bones
    3 - Large Infernal Chains
    5 - Large Devil Scales
    5 - Large Twisted Shrapnel
    5 - Large Sulfurous Stones
    2 - Shards Of Supreme Power
    10 - Shavarath High Energy Cells From: Chests Within the Shroud, or the Vendor in Part 3

    Power - Depleted Shavarath High Energy Cell With +8 to +15 Weapons (Combine Weapon & Energy Cell on Alter)

    Create - Superior Focus Of Earth
    Combine: Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Infernal Chain, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Shavarath High Energy Cell

    Create - Superior Focus Of Positive
    Combine: Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Gnawed Bone, Large Devil Scales, Large Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath High Energy Cell

    Create 2 - Flawless Gem's Of Escalation
    Combine: Large Infernal Chain, Large Devil Scales, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath High Energy Cell

    Create 2 - Pure Material Essences
    Combine: Large Glowing Arrowhead, Large Devil Scales, Large Twisted Shrapnel, Large Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath High Energy Cell

    Create - Imbued Shard of Supreme Power (Earth)
    Combine: Superior Focus Of Earth, Flawless Gem Of Escalation, Pure Material Essence, Shard of Supreme Power, Shavarath High Energy Cell

    Create - Imbued Shard of Supreme Power (Positive)
    Combine: Superior Focus Of Positive, Flawless Gem Of Escalation, Pure Material Essence, Shard of Supreme Power, Shavarath High Energy Cell

    Create - Imbued Shard of Supreme Power (Earth/Mineral)
    Combine: Imbued Shard of Supreme Power (Earth), Imbued Shard of Supreme Power (Positive), Shavarath High Energy Cell

    Create Final Item - Greensteel Goggles With Wizardry VI, +1 Cha Skills, +15 hp, +2 Con Skills - Stoneskin (2/day), +20 hp, +3 Con Skills - Heavy Fortification, +5 Protection
    Combine: Greensteel Goggles(With Tier 1 & 2 Upgrade), Imbued Shard Of Supreme Power (Earth/Mineral), Shavarath High Energy Cell

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