Welcome to Khyber.
It seems you have already received the appropriate warningsso there is not much else for me to say except to let you know that if you do roll up a new character while you are waiting for your server transfer please look me up and I will pass you some funds to help while you wait. Add Mythe to your friends list or find me on /joinchannel help. Actually you'll find many of these folks in channel as well.
To everyone else I will be back in channel this evening. Thanks Hordo for keeping an eye on everything for me.
The best way to behave is to be both amateur and domineering.
Play a warforged barbarian who's immune to Heals and ask for healing A LOT.
The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu