Here's a high AC, high intimidate and high DPS tank.
I went pure fighter to get the extra DPS from the capstone.
Dwarf is for extra saves vs spells, more AC and HP.
Class: Fighter 20
Race: Dwarf
Allignment: Neutral
Starting Stats:
Str 16
Dex 15
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 12
Ending Stats:
Str 36 (16 base + 5 level + 6 item + 3 tome + 2 enhancement + 4 defensive stance)
Dex 24 (15 base + 3 tome + 6 item)
Con 26 (14 base + 2 tome + 6 item +1 enhancemet + 4 defensive stance)
Int 14 (12 base + 2 tome)
Wis 8 (8 base)
Cha 20 (12 base + 2 tome +6 item)
When I eventually get +4 cha and dex tome I will change the enhancement from dex to cha.
Final AC Breakdown:
10 Base
7 dex
15 Dragontouched fp
5 deflection
5 combat expertise
1 Dodge
3 Chattering Ring
4 insight
2 chaos
1 Rituals
3 stalwart defender
56 - unbuffed
3 bark pot
1 haste
4 shield
2 recitation
66 - self buffed
4 defensive stance
70 - stance
4 armor boost
74 - self buffed + boost
2 barkskin
4 bard song
6 aura
86 with party buffs
5 towershield
1 ritual
92 with towershield
Enhancement: Fighter Armor Class Boost III
Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost II
Enhancement: Dwarven Armor Mastery II
Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Attack II
Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage II
Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution I
Enhancement: Dwarven Spell Defense II
Enhancement: Dwarven Toughness II
Enhancement: Fighter Armor Mastery II
Enhancement: Fighter Item Defense II
Enhancement: Fighter Intimidate IV
Enhancement: Fighter Strength II
Enhancement: Fighter Toughness III
Enhancement: Fighter Stalwart Defender III
Enhancement: Fighter Dwarven Axe Specalization II
Enhancement: Fighter Weapon Alacrity
1. Iron Will
1 (Fighter). Two Weapon Fighting
2 (Fighter). Combat Expertise
3. Force of Personality
4 (Fighter). Weapon Focus: Slashing
6. Dodge
6. (Fighter). Weapon Specalization: Slashing
8 (Fighter). Improved Two Weapon Fighting
9. Improved Critical: Slashing (swap to pierce when you get 2 x mineral II)
10 (Fighter). Power attack
12. Skill Focus: Intimidate
12 (Fighter). Greater Weapon Specalization: Slashing
14 (Fighter).Greater Two Weapon Fighting
15. Toughness
16 (Fighter). Oversized Two Weapon Fighting
18. Lightning reflexes
18 (Fighter). Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing
20 (Fighter). Quickdraw
Saves Unbuffed
Fortitude: 27 (12 fighter + 6 con + 5 res +4 dwarf)
Reflex: 20 (24 vs spell) (6 fighter + 7 dex + 5 res + 2 Lightning reflexes (+ 4 dwarf))
Will: 22 (6 fighter + 5 cha + 5 res + 4 dwarf +2 iron will)
Saves Self Buffed
Fortitude: 34 ( + 4 GH + 3 Dstance)
Reflex: 28 (32 vs spells)( + 4 GH + 1 haste + 3 Dstance)
Will: 29 ( + 4 GH + 3 Dstance)
Hit Points
200 paladin
160 con
20 heroic durability
10 draconic vitality
22 toughness
50 tougness enhancements
30 greater false life
45 shroud item
537 hp
Skill Points:
Eat a +2 int tome at level 1 and take balance, jump, intimidate, UMD
23 ranks
5 cha
4 enhancement
6 stalwart defender
3 feat
15 item
6 crafted item
2 reaver trinket
4 GH
2 bard song
11 ranks
5 cha
6 crafted item
2 reaver trinket
4 GH
5 Titan gloves
Mainhand: Mineral II DA Insight
Offhand: Mineral II DA +2 con
Shield: Leviks defender
Head: +15 intimi
Goggles: +6 cha skills
Armor: Dragontouched fp with +10% healing, 20% healing and Destruction
Bracers: Chaosgarde
Gloves: 45 hp, +5 prot, heavy fort,
Ring: chattering ring
Ring: Tumbleweed (+6 dex)
Boots: Boots of the innocent
Belt: +6 str, greater false life
Cloak: +6 cha
Necklace: +6 con
Trinket: Reavers head/bloodstone
What's special with this build?
Very high AC and intimidate combined with high DPS.
Strengths .v. Weaknesses (if any weaknesses!)
+Very good dps for an Intimitank.
+very high ac
+Very high intimidate
+High hp
+Decent umd
+Great versatility
-No evasion
Any thoughts?