Being Blah is one thing...I mean sometimes each and every one of us has that little voice in our head that says 'Man, Blah, the powers he has, if only I could fathom just how powerful Blah is and obtain those powers.' It's a no brainer then that the Coin Lords commisioned none other than myself to do a case study to the extent of Blah's special powers.
Now, instead of studying Blah, I thought it would be a better bet to study someone else who may be associated the Sellout...At first I thought that maybe Mhykke would be a prime candidate for the study, but the fact is that Mhykke has been held back by Blah for so long that it would be a waste of time and resources to go use Mhykke as our example...
I was kind of at a loss because others 'involved' with Blah were kind of all over the board...I mean you have people from other guilds and then you have some of the other PWNY members who aren't just only in PWNY, and then you have the whole knowledge of who Blah is on this server, or what I like to term as the 'SELLOUT constant'.
So it seemed like I was not going to be able to conduct the study I was commisioned to do, and I was on my way back to tell the Coin Lords that the study would be a waste of AH taxpayer Plat when she walked by...I had found the perfect speciwomen to study and I proceded to the Coin Lords to tell them that I had hit capital, and that the study would be finished within a week.
My subject, whom I shall name Ferga*****, has recently come to the land of Dragons by way of some other server that really needs no mention here. She was tagged with the PWNY guild tag, and she had no other characters in other guilds on this server that I know of. I found her at level 6 and decided to conduct my study incognito on a lvl 5 character...Surely enough the play style was decent although the group she had put together was not very proficient at what they were doing...after 2 runs with the subject and some other pugs, I decided it was time to sit and watch the progress of level within the next week...unfortunately she did not get much leveling done and it seemed that the amount of time she was putting into the game was not in line with the level she was at.
So a few days later, during the XP weekend, it came to be that Ferga***** just so happened to have a Co6 run up for LFM, she was at lvl 7 and wouldn't you know that I myself needed one more player to fill the Co6 run I had that was about to start. Needless to say it was that at this point I was evaluating what was the effect of Blah on her, and what is the effect of the association of Blah on her as she is a guildie of Blah. Needless to say, in the next few days Ferga***** made it level 12...but the study wasn't clear then, but I had come up with the first hypothesis in regards to Blah though. For granted she had leveled much faster in her time away from Blah's influence but that didn't mean that there was and underlying point to be found, that point being...
The Blah Sellout Constant is indirectly related to the Blah Hold Back Constant...
Hence in the study we found Ferga***** to be a very fun person to group with, this also holds true for Mhykke and most everyone else who is associated with Blah in a direct way. So technically a good, fun player with a low Sellout value is held back more. If the player has a high sellout value then the player is held back less. So with that issue resolved it was time to test the final bit of what it really means to be held back by Blah and the effect it has on these players whom we enjoy grouping with but are held back...
Case Study-Elite Titan Raid...Ransacked and Ferga*****
It took awhile to get Ferga***** to fall into trance for this experiment but I managed to get her to listen to what it was I was trying to do...then she eventually listened to exactly what I wanted her to do, and of course I had voyeu...err witnesses around to monitor exactly what was going down-giggity giggity, oh yeah
Needless to say the effect of the hold back was far too great for even the likes of Ransacked...When all was said and done (of course my stint with the Ferga***** only lasted about 2 mins...err I mean like 10-15 mins) the evidence was clear...the completion time said it all and we could only all shake our heads and point the finger at one person....
I believe that person we all pointed at was a matter of fact it should be coined the Blah Aura...the way Blah holds back people and the effect it has on others. There is still one case study we have not tried, it will be the final test in the study, although it will require the Ferga***** to make a decision that may be the key to seeing if we in Argonnesson can find a real answer to how anyone can rid themselves of this Blah Aura...So whenever, if ever also, Ferga***** decides to leave the PWNY ranks and join up with Ransacked, then and only then will there be an answer to whether or not the Blah Aura is a permanent effect or just a grand illusion put on by Blah to hold back all the people he holds back...Oh and Mhykke, we could use another case study also....