Quote Originally Posted by bobbryan2 View Post
It doesn't matter that people don't level up in a week. If you play less, you'll necessarilly raid less. Seriously.. how many dragon completions do you have on your non-capped guy? 1? 2? 0?

It's an honest question.

Is there anyone that has more than 5 completions and isn't permanently parking their character at a lower level?

Hell.... does anyone even have 5?
I have 6 on a level 12 just dont have enough time to play him enough, and no I am not parking him and a low level of completions per character doesnt mean it needs to be raised for higher level people they already have the shroud,SoS, Reaver,Abott(lol) and whatever is in mod 9 there is absolutely no reason to touch this quest other then flagging and lowering the timer maybe. Midlevels need fun to.