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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Question: Group member stats?

    This is probably a dumb question, but i can't seem to figure it out...

    When I am looking at the groups that need players, I can mouse over a group and see a list of current group members and their class break downs (7cleric/2monk; 9Paladin; etc.)

    Is there a way to easily get all this information once in the group and the group is no longer LFM??

    I often find I want to know the level of team mates and their class break-down. Right now, I can only see the information one at a time (either by targeting the player and examining them or by looking up the character using the last tab of the LFG tool).

    There must be (I hope) a better way??


  2. #2
    Community Member muffinlad's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006


    Good question...I have wondered the same thing...and I have been playing for 3 years...I seem to remember the ability to check this if you were the leader, but don't recall exact specifics.

    Now I just check each person individually.....

    Now Diving in Lava, with the Lava Divers.

    AKA, Cb,Cg,Cj,Cl,Co,Cp,Cq,Cr,Cs,Ct,Cw,Cx,Cz and...Edvard. All the other C's were taken.

  3. #3


    There used to be a way to see this, it was removed when the social panel was redone. Now there is no way other than examining each individual.
    Drakion, Leader of the Lightbringers - Argonnessen - A Founding Guild

    Currently Leveling: Drakyon the Sinner - Human Cleric

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