Can someone break down the Large scales, and other larges, so noobs like me can figure out what to try to aquire in tradebait? thanks much.
Can someone break down the Large scales, and other larges, so noobs like me can figure out what to try to aquire in tradebait? thanks much.
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My Grandfather once dated Madonna. Right around WWII.
scales are a dime a dozen and absolutely worthless, if u want i will give you 1 bone for 2-3 of your be helpful.......use this noobsauce lol
Generally speaking, for most people:
Scales are most valuable, and are actually used as currency for high-end rare items.
Stones are second most valuable.
Shrapnel are average.
Arrowheads are average.
Bones are the least valuable, and most people that have been running the Shroud will give them away freely.
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My Grandfather once dated Madonna. Right around WWII.
I think I might have that tome you need bro will triple check tonight. If I dont have it I am sure one of my guildmates has one.
Wait what am I thinking you are in a big and mighty guild !!!!! what the heck is going on here ?!?!?!
PS say hi to Darknoob for me, I dunno what gimp he is building now.
Will do..
One of the first things CK did for me was toss me a +2 wis, i am not the "ask the guild for gear" type of guyi'm just tryin to figure out how to accelerate my aquire one for my next toon process, i have saved 150kpp since day one, and have only bought a medium collectables bag so far, lol.
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My Grandfather once dated Madonna. Right around WWII.