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  1. #1
    Community Member dontcare123's Avatar
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    Default Questions for vet wiz (xp issues)

    Okay im level 5 and I find myself playing at strange times due to living in asia. not many folks on at this time, but I am interested in xping.

    Any quests you all can recommend, even if it requires a hireling? Ive done most of the level 2s solo, but anything on hard or level 3 or higher pretty much leads to dead due to low AC/HP.

    Any "more puzzle oriented" quests and less killing quests I can do with decent xp? (Osgoods has been run into the ground)


  2. #2
    Founder tfangel's Avatar
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    I know how i've been "soloing" lately is get a cleric hireling, summon a pet, and go through and charm a bunch of whatever i'm up against. Takes a while, longer on the ones where i need to kill all to open a door, but it works for me. Most if not all the harbor quests work well that way. For me at least, your experience may vary.

  3. #3
    Founder Joseph's Avatar
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    Default Build, etc...

    You should list your build so people can better recommend what you could do.

    For instance, I run a WF Wizard, so I can self heal. I summon monster (using the target dot) so it appears down the hall a little ways and draws the monster aggro, then I charm a monster or three, run down the hall a little ways past them to draw aggro, and then run back. Rinse, repeat. If I need to be healed, a repair light wand is dirt cheap, and I just zap myself with the wand a few times. Scrolls and Pots are also good for this.

    Quests to ABSOLUTELY steer clear of would be things with a lot of spiders (can't charm them).

    Quests that are a lot of fun and overly easy are those with a lot of mindless undead (Halt Undead, then calmly walk in with a quarterstaff or some sort of sword, and beat them to death).

    What are your play times (others might want to group with you), and what is your server (so they know if they are on the same server or not).

    REmember - even if you are not high enough level to use a particular scroll, you can still UMD it if you have the skill trained. This, in my opinion, is the single reason to take UMD - so you can cast higher level spells on yourself at lower levels (works best for Bards and Rogues, of course).

    Out of curiosity, where are you living in Asia (plat farmer - just kidding)? I am considering moving to Korea in the near future.
    The only difference between a weed and a flower is survival skill - Joseph

  4. #4
    Founder Mistinarperadnacles's Avatar
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    Form a group for: (people will usually join a group starting one of these - even at odd times)

    Splinterskull / Tangleroot n/h/e (house P)
    Deleras n/h/e (house J)
    Run around in Sorrowdusk for slayer and explorer (house D)
    Stormcleave n/h/e
    Greymoon Waning normal(sorrowdusk, house D)
    Cult of the Six normal(sorrowdusk, house D)
    Xorian Cypher normal (house J)
    Vault of Night 1-4

    Run the last 4 on hard/elite when you can - they take quite a long time whereas the previous ones are prety fast.

    Thats a massive whack of Xp there.

    Solo wise it depends massively on your build and ability.

    I'd suggest studying these (and related) for inspiration. There aren't any really puzzle based quests as they'd be a bit too easy, but you can have a lot of fun and learn a lot by stealth soloing. Shan To Kor (market) would be an excellent choice but will be tough.

  5. #5
    Community Member dontcare123's Avatar
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    Okay here is some info you asked for, maybe some more ideas will be generated:

    Im a human mage, first toon on this account after coming back for over a year. No 32 point builds, no drows available, and I just dislike playing WF.

    I play on Thelaris (sp?).

    I live in Chiba, Japan.

    I will try some of the undead infested quests to see how that goes.

    Thanks for the suggestions and keep them coming please!

  6. #6
    Founder & Hero
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    Well I proably could help you get 400 favor on server for drow if you wanted that would give you a little more power for soloing I would suggest sorcerer if really want to solo and as a drow you might find it a little easier to squezze in some umd would wouild make soloing a little easier

    Beware the Sleepeater

  7. #7
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Charm person is a very good spell for soloing... Build an army and let them fight the rest of the dungeon for you... Get a warforged fighter hireling, and swap in a repair spell and you can heal him with repair.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Default My wizard

    max and extends melf's acid arrow and i go solo redwillow in 19- 30 minutes easy 5k exp

  9. #9
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    If you haven't done WaterWorks yet, get that done. Even at odd times there's a decent chance of being able to find a group for it, and if not, try it with a hireling and see how it goes. It may take a few tries to learn what to do (jump over traps) and what to avoid (ogres), but it's worth it, both for Market access and Coin Lord favor (not to mention a shot at the Black Widow Bracers - great lowbie caster item).

    Also consider the outdoor areas. Not exactly a wizard's playground, but with a hireling and once you locate the shrines, you can get decent exp for the higher levels of slayer.

  10. #10
    Founder Joseph's Avatar
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    Default Drow...

    Aye, get someone to help you get 400 favor (it takes very, very little time to do - one evening). Then re-roll a Drow sorc and go for UMD. Just remember that for end game your caster AC is completely meaningless unless you really, really invest in it, and even then it is easily rendered a joke on a lot of quests.

    I rolled my Drow at 20 charisma and I believe 14 Con, with the remaining points in intelligence for the skill points to put in UMD. I also use my +2 tome at 1750 favor to get Con, because more HP is really important - especially when one delayed blast fireball can crisp you instantly.

    I am also of the opinion that Drow are good in most classes - if you don't like WF or prefer another race. So get to Drow, pick a class you want to play as a Drow, and then get to 1750 BEFORE running another character if having 32 point builds is important to you. It was important to me, so I ran my Drow Sorc to 1750 favor before doing any other characters.

    Good luck
    The only difference between a weed and a flower is survival skill - Joseph

  11. #11
    Community Member Daedalis's Avatar
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    I've been play casters for nearly a year now, and when trying to solo you need to have a good idea of what is in the quest so you can get the spells you need to complete. As others have already mentioned Charm will be one of the best spells you can have for soloing. Pick up Summon Monster scrolls to use as distractions, and any type of CC spell will help in a pinch if you do manage to get aggro. Hypnotize, web, charm monster, hold monster, even the annoying rainbow sphere is good at lower levels. Is your Int maxed? For CC spells you DC will depend alot on your int modifier. I believe most are 10+ int modifier + misc bonuses such as an Enchantment scepter that would give a +1 to the DC of the spell. Being a Wizzie and having a limited spell point pool, area affect spells are best if you can pick them up, example is hypnotize. Need to have a nice damaging spell as well. On my lowbie caster I always have Scoring Ray since I usually spec my caster for fire/ice spell damage. But a spell that I'm now beginning to appreciate is MM with force spec. At 13 level with only 1/2 of the available Action point to be fully spec for force, using superior potency, max, and empower he hits a MM for 20-30 pts a missile and 50-55 pts a missle on a crit. Not bad for a spell that hits no matter what and only has one defense. Force missle I'm seeing 50-60 pts per missile and 150ish pts per crit.

    hope this helps

  12. #12
    Community Member Jajar's Avatar
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    Default in asia too

    am currently in Singapore and usually resort to getting up early in the morning to catch the crowd.
    But yes, cos I cant always get up nor play too much on weekends, I too solo a lot.

    A level 5 wiz means you got haste. there are lots of quests that you can just run and zap the boss at the end if you know the way.

    I suggest getting jump, invisibility, haste (exp retreat if lower level) , blur, a pair of level 5 ff boots and one good damaging ray and one good charm.

    I run garrisons missing pack, sewer rescue, sunken sewer, red fang, stealthy repossession, info key, kobold new ringleader, durk's, n/h/e solo like that without much problem. It is really fast.

    after that, I have honestly found it more difficult to solo. usually end up RUNNING from explorer region to region to get xp. or simply joining every pug that comes along. TR, STK, delera, SC, redwillow, gwylan's, tear of dhakaan, will level you quick. but i have only ever soloed redwillow, gwylan's, with charm/suggestion spell. The rest will always have some part of the quest that will be your undoing.

    lol.. if you were on ghallandar i would have been happy happy to level with you

  13. #13
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jajar View Post

    I suggest getting jump, invisibility, haste (exp retreat if lower level) , blur, a pair of level 5 ff boots and one good damaging ray and one good charm.

    I run garrisons missing pack, sewer rescue, sunken sewer, red fang, stealthy repossession, info key, kobold new ringleader, durk's, n/h/e solo like that without much problem. It is really fast.
    Ditto. Plus Recovering the Lost Tome with command undead.

  14. #14
    Community Member dontcare123's Avatar
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    Thank you all for your suggestions. I am now level 9 (although mostly its from grouping) and would like to rephrase my question.

    Im looking to either a) PL myself to low teens so I can do any of the quests in the game, or b) PL my favor to get 32 point builds.

    To get these ends, I am looking for any quests that are "Cast haste and you can run through it." Ive been told there are some out there, but I havent had much luck finding them.

    Are there indeed quests like this?

    Thank you to all of those on Theleris that have grouped with my Wizzie, having a good time!

  15. #15
    Community Member hcarr's Avatar
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    Best bet is do both. when groups are avialiable for xp take them and get all the favor and xp you can out of it. Get leveled because higher lvl the quest the more favor that comes with it. Then when nothing is avialiable to run as a group go back and start at lvl 1 and work you way up getting them all to elite. You can blast through them or try out new you are not familiar with.

    For quest that you can just run through and nuke end boss I dont know.

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