The kids are here!
Grouped with 3 of them running my lowbie. I lasted for about 5 mins before I could take no more. Not one of them could shut up for more than 2 seconds.
The kids are here!
Grouped with 3 of them running my lowbie. I lasted for about 5 mins before I could take no more. Not one of them could shut up for more than 2 seconds.
Jockstrap I Support You, Pansie Pants Mc****er, Taints McTasty, Murple McWind, Gonarea Mistress of Stink.
agro sucks somtimes.
especially kid agro
I played alot of daytime quests with the kiddies this weekend... if you don't expect much it isn't bad.. they do crazy stuff to get themselves killed and it really challenges my cleric skills.
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My Grandfather once dated Madonna. Right around WWII.
I ran with this guy over the weekend, he kept asking me how old I was and when I told him I was 11 he just started insulting me until I was forced to stop playing the game. Please fellow subscription paying people, stop grouping with this evil person.
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I ran a WW run with a bunch of kids..alli had to do was turn down voice chat and it went fine. I guess my barb could have solo'd it, but instead i ran them around and showed them what they needed to do to finish water works...geez i guess Jock doesn't like babysitting.
I didn't have to, i just kept sayng.." come on guys we're going this way.."
No real rpbolems(now THAT is a typo), other than the older kids picking on the younger one..which was funny but i couldn't do anything about it.
hmm...maybe this is the latest Turbine "publicity" subs for anyone under 10?
Wait...a guy who has a char named "jockstrap" want to warn us about childish behavior?
On these forums he is still persecuting me and treating me as if I was less than. I can't believe it. If I was in your guild I would leave it in a minute.
"/squelch Add character Name"
'nuff Said!
The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC