I was able to view my adventure compendium earlier today, as well as my favour tally . Now, all is gone. I get no adventure compendium, and cannot see my accumulated favour bars. Anyone else hear of a bug like this?
I was able to view my adventure compendium earlier today, as well as my favour tally . Now, all is gone. I get no adventure compendium, and cannot see my accumulated favour bars. Anyone else hear of a bug like this?
This happens frequently to me. Usually when I "zone" very quickly after logging into the game (probably before the game was fully loaded) but not always. Restarting the client fixes it for me.
I've gotten it a few times now, restarting worked. Guess it's the same thing as the disappearing tavern furnishings, if that's ever happened to anybody. Zone into a tavern, the only things there are the people. That's pretty weird looking.