I recall reading a while back about the first tier of the way of the assassin being broken...I was just wondering if it was still that way, and if so what exactly about it is broken?
I recall reading a while back about the first tier of the way of the assassin being broken...I was just wondering if it was still that way, and if so what exactly about it is broken?
I use the poisons on my Assassin and they are working in my experience.
Other than the problem that they only work on monsters who won't last long enough to care about the poisons?
Star Firefall
20 Rogue Assasin
Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)
Be careful what you wish for, what you say is best; for sometimes what you seek is found, not at the end of the quest.
I AM, -- the truthseeker
Assassin I has poisons??
I used them when soloing from level 6-12 but I didn't solo much then so they got little use. I haven't had them on my hotbar since getting Assassin II