Building another new toon and need a full set of +2 tomes for it. all exept the kama are first come first serve but I reserve the right to not take offers of tomes I no longer need :P
+3 sup potency VI kama-------------|-----pm me with offers
Docent of Quickening----------------|-----one tome of choice or 250k plat
Ring of Spell Storing-----------------|-----one tome of choice -SOLD-
+3 Curse Spewing Rapier of Puncturing|----one tome of choice or 250k plat
Stave of the Seer -------------------|----one tome of choice -SOLD-
Jinx's Vexation-----------------------|----one tome of choice or 250k plat
Anathema---------------------------|----one tome of choice or 250k plat
Muck Doom--------------------------|----one tome of choice or 250k plat
Muck Doom--------------------------|----one tome of choice or 250k plat
+1 Banishing FTI Rapier if Maming-----|----one INT tome or three other types of stat tomes or 750k plat
+6 con ring of command(3 charges)---|----one tome of choice or 250k plat