ok in a bit of a dilema here, making a str twf assainate dwarf rogue, trying to keep it 1 fighter lev splash so i keep full backstab and dont loose the lev 19 rogue feat, also 1 extra dc on assasinate.
Debating between kops and rapiers... with kops I wanted to have ic slash and pierce but that would take me to 8 feats (tough, kop, ic slash, ic pierce, 3 twf, otwf)
now if i drop kops and go raps it drops ic slash and kop from my list, and gives me 1 extra feat and the 15/1 ( i planed on taking pa at lev 18 after cap raise)
kop is more overall dmg, rap has the higher crit range, now i'm planning on making dual radiance 2s and probably another weapon or two for him (trans/ls combo prob) and ive got a set of wop daggers in the bank... so trying to decide which way to go here... any feedback from other rogs would be appriciated... as technically this is my first rogue myself.