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  1. #21
    Community Member Wizzly_Bear's Avatar
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    Jul 2007


    undead is great for levelling through deleras and shadow crypt, but after that its pointless unless you spent a lot of time in the necropolis or running SoS. maybe after they fix the abbot it'll be worth having, but until then id suggest...

    evil outsiders
    and 1 or 2 (depending on if/how much you mc) from constructs (if you shroud a lot), elementals, aberrations, or undead (if you run SoS, abbot, or necropolis a lot)

  2. #22
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    1) Plant
    2) Halfling
    3) Fey
    4) Barrels and Crates

  3. #23
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006


    Here's how I look at the favored enemy question, from the perspective of a dexterity-based ranger:

    You can always do stat damage on most things that aren't red or purple named, so the first two FE you want are the types that are immune to stat damage: undead and constructs.

    The following factors make a monster type desireable for your next 2-3 FE:

    1. There are a lot of red and purple named of that type (evil outsiders, giants through gianthold, elementals in mods 6-8).

    2. It has a lot of monsters with DR, so that you will either need to use transmuting weapons or will need extra damage to get through the DR and get stat damage (evil outsiders and elementals).

    3. The monsters are usually true-neutral and so immune to holy or alignment damage (elementals).

    So, I think that evil outsiders and elementals are the clear winners for FE 3 & 4. The 5th FE (if you will be getting it) is sort of up for grabs, but as things stand now, I think that giants is probably as good a choice as any (although that may change in later mods, of course).

  4. #24
    Community Member Bosco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    undead cause there is just too many of them
    evil outsider
    last i like aberation, main reason you can crit those so the xtra damage will apply to your crit

    golems no need use smiters
    elementals use banishers when ya can

    golems elementals are immune to crits but thats my preference

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