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  1. #1
    Community Member Gorbadoc's Avatar
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    Feb 2008

    Default AH rapier listings

    I've noticed that rapiers tend to be considerably more expensive than other weapons on the auction house, with a median price on the order of a half million gold. I'm wondering whether anyone is actually buying these. I can understand paying a premium for any banishing rapier, and a +4 puncturer is respectable; after all, those are usable even after you've been farming the shroud for awhile. I assume these rapiers get bought.

    Then there are the rapiers I assume do not get bought. No one wants a +1 vicious rapier of tendon slice; it's only listed because someone can't appraise weapons.

    But then there are the so-so rapiers that I'm actually wondering about-- rapiers that I would think of as stop-gap weapons, worthwhile until my character-level and finances put me in the market for end-game weapons. And here's my real question: would you pay more for a stop-gap weapon just because it was a rapier? Would your answer depend on whether the rapier was puncturing?

  2. #2
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    May 2006


    half a million gold is an amount of money so small as to be inconsequential to some players

    while not a direct answer to your question, please refer to what such a player would think about posting a mediocre rapier they are not using but know that perhaps someone will, or upon seeing a mediocre rapier they could use themselves

    also keep in mind that posting at BASE VALUE is getting close to 20kpp already. the profit margin is small (but existent), small especially for those with hagglebots, selling just above base value - that oftentimes it isn't worth the time and hassle of posting unless the item is going to sell for minimum of 50kpp.
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  3. #3
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
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    May 2008


    It's not just the AH. Take a look at some of the trading posts on this forum and you'll be scratching your head on the perceived value some people put on mundane rapiers. I could probably find 5 people asking for a scale in exchange for a trash rapier just because it has puncturing. *shrug*

    That being said, I have a +4 Acid Rapier of Puncturing I'll trade for a large scale

    Basic, universal rogue build advice
    "Not in the face! Not in the faaaaaace!"

  4. #4
    Community Member Reisz's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    For this reason, I generally buy the equivalent short sword. Rapier are really more valuable only if an effect is tied to a crit. (i.e. Smiting, Banishing, Puncturing, etc...)

    Why wound anyone pay more a rapier of disruption over a short sword of disruption? It actually has less utility, but the AH will price the rapier at 1-2 mil and the short sword at 800K.

    However...both rapiers and short sword are priced higher than other equivalent weapons. There are a lot of Drow out there who drive up the demand.

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