Trip to Shavarath if I'm not mistaken, as well as the level cap increase to 20, some Prestige enhancements, and some (not all, very bad idea if you ask me, include all or none) Capstone Enhancements.
Trip to Shavarath if I'm not mistaken, as well as the level cap increase to 20, some Prestige enhancements, and some (not all, very bad idea if you ask me, include all or none) Capstone Enhancements.
I am totally Cool with the "You can't leave Korthos Until..." Part.
I personally like the new changes they made with Korthos, the explorer area, the new look
to "some old favorites..." and Some of the other things...
And Misery's Peak is one of the best looking low level Quests I have seen in my time in the game...
But I too find the grouping restrictions to be extemely frustrating!
I would rather have it stay Snowy... I like the idea of the snow in Korthos Village...
I love the look and found it a really neat change of pace.
Also, there was a Player who had a character who's Sole purpose in life was to train new Players
due to the grouping restrictions on Korthos... she had to be retired
because she cou8ldn't be in the same instance
with the Players whom she wanted so desperately to help....
I too would love to see this Changed...
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
I AM ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
OK, I am not a Dev. There are FIVE (5, count them 5) separate storyline parts to Korthos Village.
(1) Snowy Korthos Village pre-Collaborator
(2) Snowy Korthos Village post-Collaborator
(3) Sunny Korthos Village pre-Collaborator
(4) Sunny Korthos Village post-Collaborator/pre-misery's Peak
(5) Sunny Korthos Village post-misery's Peak.
When you first appear with a new account you must do the tutorial. I suggest breaking every box / barrell. You can get useful copper / arrows / bolts / potions. You fininsh the quest and Celimas gives you "Equipment". When you come out of the Grotto, you are in (1) Snowy Korthos Village, standing in front of Randall. There is an arguing couple in on the steps of the Wavecrest Tavern. You must complete Heyton's Rest, Canith Crystal, and the Storehouse to get Sigmund Bauerson to give you the "Collaborator" quest. Collaborator is the quest under the Wavecrest. Once you have done the Collaborator quest, the Snowy Village has changed. People out in the town change what they will say to you. You can get quests out there (from the mayor for instance.) that you couldn't get before. No characters in any one of the 5 phases can play with anyone in a different phase. Someone who comes straight out of the Grotto can not for instance go straight into the Wavecrest and begin Collaborator. Therefore you can not group with someone who "could" do collaborator.
Everyone get it?
After you get done with Collaborator, you can enter "Korthos Island". Out in the "Island" there are 5 quests. 1 quest "Stopping the Sahaugin" (used to be "Low Road") has the reward NPC in the Island instance. 4 quests have the reward NPC in the Korthos Village instance. Redemption (what used to be the alchemists Laboratory) Sacrifices (used to be Sewer Rescue) and the Decrepit Catacombs with the Jacoby Drexelhand Wight (used to be "The Haunted Warehouse" with the Necromancer Gerti) And Misery's Peak. You do not have to do Redemption (meet Lars Heyton) in order to do Misery's Peak (suggested, not mandatory). Once you complete Misery's Peak, you will be Dimension Doored by Lars Heyton to (5) Sunny Korthos village post-misery's peak.
If you skip the Grotto tutorial, you will appear in (3) Sunny Korthos village pre-misery's peak. You appear where Randall would have otherwise been sitting. You still have to do Heyton's Rest, Cannith Crystal and Storehouse to be able to do Collaborator. Korthos is Sunny. You can't quest with anyone who isn't in Korthos (3). You can see everyone who is in (3) (4) and (5) but not quest with them. Once you've finished Collaborator you start (4). You can only quest with those in pt (4). Then you can go in the Island. Once you've finished Misery's Peak again you get to (5)
Once at Pt (5) you can leave the island after talking to the Captain for your end Misery's Peak reward, then talk to the first Mate who'll take you to Stormreach.
This is the secret of Korthos. The New Player Experience was created for "NEW PLAYERS" Old players can skip the "NPE" which will put them on a different playing area than the New players. It makes things difficult for plat-spammers (thank the Silver Flame). The tutorial and the new material and the ease of game play for new players will help them stay and enjoy the game. If you have a friend coming into the game, use your phone, make a new character and do Snowy Korthos with them. Every step of the way. If one of you get ahead of the other in the storyline, you won't quest with each other till Stormreach.
Hope that helps.
I'm Deadslug, and that's what I think.
Last edited by Deadslug; 02-24-2009 at 11:51 AM.
I think what Demoyn meant is that with a Warforged (or Dwarven) Tank you can Pretty much
blast through the Level 1-4 Quests on Korthos on solo and get flagged to leave Korthos in 2-4 Hrs time...
However I feel you are correct in that this does not really help that much.
Slow steady guidance is what is required to help truly new Players...
I have a rogue/ranger that I was Deliberitely keeping in the level 4 range
just to help newer players... I would run with the new players, show them the ropes,
explain things like favor, Xp bonuses, how to Open locks, disable, terminology, voice chat,
healing, shrines, grouping, weapons and item repair, and any things they needed help with
and since Tuck is in no way hurting for cash I would let them have all the loot that came up.
I am now limited to helping Players when they hit the harbor now...
and it is a shame... I feel helping the New Players is part of the game
and I feel that it is my way to "Pay it forward" for those players before me
that helped me out when I was new.
I think taking away the grouping restrictions on Korthos would be a Small change that
would greatly help newer players, and Give Tuckkerby a new lease on Life
Since right now he hardly sees any play time... since his Primary job was all but eliminated...![]()
Last edited by Bekki; 02-24-2009 at 11:52 AM.
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
That's a shame... I too like helping new players. But now I can only help one 'group' at a time... That's so not cool. Good thing I tend to reroll some characters a lot anyway. Plus I kept a free spot open JUST to make a char to team with my friend.
Finding ones past, present, and future in the threads of destiny.
THIS IS JUST PLAIN FALSE! You are either flagged as having NOT COMPLETED MISERY's PEAK or YOU ARE! You cannot group with anyone who does not have the same flag here that you do. PERIOD!
You could have started a new character 30 minutes before me, ran through the Grotto tutorial, and finished the three quests leading up to the Collaborator Quest in the WaveCrest Tavern, when I log into the Game with a brand new character on a brand new account. I run through the Grotto Tutorial and I could then group with you to run the Collaborator Pre-Reqs with you, but I could not skip those and go straight into the Collaborator.
Ok, just realized something else now... And this really has me confused.
Before I paid a large amount of money on the AH for a +2 transmuting longsword. This I sent to my pally. That +2 Transmuting longsword is now a +2 longsword, without the effect it previously had.
A while ago I had looted a +1 pure good short bow that could be used at level 2. I rerolled my range several times since then, but always send that short bow to my ranger. It is now a +1 short bow, and has lost the Pure Good effect. The Robe of Invulnability I'd spent 10k on for my sorc has also entirely vanished. In it's place is a Robe of Winter. Uhm, I was selling all those.
I also found that every single character that had items in the bank when last I had an active account, those items are gone.
Any ideas what's going on here?!
Finding ones past, present, and future in the threads of destiny.
if you put up a lfm for her only she can then join you.
when you enter a quest you will both be in together.
Just won't be able to see each other in korthos village. ( you can see each other in the inn quest tho.
when you go to the explorer area you will be together as well.
kinda suck but it works![]()
Can not tell you what happened about the bank iventory but had a similar thing happen here. Pulled a weakening of enfeebling khopesh as an end reward. Gave it to a guildie. Later looked in his inventory and it read as a wounding of enfeebling. So yea I ahve seen things of the sort happen.
Xoriat Born
Pixa 20 rogue, Healza 20 Cleric, Biteza 20 tempest ranger, Casstza 12 sorc, Singza 20 bard, Kickza 13 barb, Nodda 8 fvs
AFAIK you don't have to complete misery peak to skip the tutorial. At least I don't think I had to (I just started the game a few weeks ago). I ran the tutorial dungeon one time with one char, then the next one I made I believe it gave me the option to skip, and when I did, I was in sunny. I don't think that I had done misery peak with the first character. Maybe that was a bug, (or maybe I am mis-remembering) but I dunno.
Yes, it's very possibly the dumbest thing Turbine has ever done. I've been here 3 years, give or take, and I was frustrated beyond belief with the Korthos experience, especially trying to group and/or get off the island. If someone with three years of experience has problems with this, how do you think new players will perceive it? The OP's post is a good example.
To answer your question, OP, you are on different parts of the starter quests. One or the other of you needs to advance further than you have (complete more island quests).
I have a friend who just started playing and he loved the Krothos experience. Now if you were brand new to MMO's I can see where it would be frustrating but if you have played any MMO before it is not rocket science.
Just my 2 copper.
While I agree in principle that it's annoying to not be able to group with new people right off the bat if you have skipped the tutorial my advice is don't skip the tutorial - do it with them.
What I like about the way it works is I think there is inherent value in new players in the game having to struggle a little bit and learn some tactics. If those of us who have been around a long time always handed new players a bunch of items and weapons the minute they arrive they don't really learn everything they could from going through those new quests.
I work very hard to help out new players and will always throw them some money and/or a couple of items to help them get going - however I have run 2 of my newest toons through the entire experience on Korthos - not skipping the tutorial and I have to admit it was fun to struggle and figure out how to get things completed without all of the gear and other things.
What I would prefer they do is make it so you can group with anyone on Korthos - not have the different instances but turn off trading with anyone until they complete the Korthos Island quest chain - it's like a small reward you also get at the end of Misery's Peak - and also do not put a mailbox on Korthos Island.
Founder of Mickory ~ Former Officer of ATDThayill * Glorious * Glorie * Gloried * Glorisai * Gloreia * Hallows * SargavandIf you can't say anything nice about someone, come sit by me
I aggree with most of this but I would say, Limit trading rather than eliminate it altogether.
By Forbidding it that means you cannot trade Potions to a character may really need them.
Most of the really powerful stuff starts at level 4 so if we keep the trade limit under that...
It should keep the craziness down a Bit.
The dev's could say... limit it trading between Characters on Korthos Island
who have NOT Completed Misery's peak to No Higher than Level 1 to 2 Tier gear...
The Higher Tier level loot and gear would unlock when you complete Misery's Peak on Korthos...
and Once you have left Korthos. Just like the current Grouping restriction...
If the character is already in Stormreach they would be automatically unlocked just like normal...
When I help out new players as I said...
I will mostly let them pull what ever spawns in the chests, and
any Silver, Copper, potions, items Etc. that drops from breakables...
unless it is something I really need... which for Tuck is Not much...
Like I said Tuck is in no way hurting for cash... Though I will take the gold that I pull... (he is a rogue afterall)
I will hook them up with a decent weapon or two
and decent set of Class and level appropriate armor.
but nothing TOO crazy...
And I will help point the way... give advice and answer any questions they may have
within my scope of knowledge, though I will freely admit I am not that great with wizard/sorcerer stuff...
(Of Course Tuck has now hit level 5 so I think I will have to start over).
What I think I might do is Re-roll Tuckkerby, and make him a permanent resident of Snowy Korthos...
Ya know, That sounds like fun...
I still believe that learning the game is part of the fun and I don't want to ruin that...
I sometimes play Bekki Ghallanda and I enjoy having to struggle a bit again...
It makes Pulling that +1 Longsword or +1 suit of Platemail
all that much more rewarding, when you don't have three
+1 Flaming-Pure good-Long Swords , and a suit of +3 Mithral Full Plate in the Bank!![]()
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
For those looking to keep someone in the "smowy" instance. You can complete everything but Misery's Peak - just Recall before they finish the quest and drop group. They finish it and you are still on the snowy side of korothos.
To continue helping them log a character that either finished it - or skipped the tutorial.
Ladies - Mediclady, Elspyth, Warchantress, Bittt, Julez, LilBitt, Bucketoboltz, Skitty, Kerro, Wyntermoon, Kethrey, Kethree, Selany, Gypsie, Cassyopeya, Tinkerbelle, Dyanya, PallasAthene
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)