just put this on the reg. Gallanda fourms but thaught i should post it over here 2

ok so im rolling a new toon and ive always wanted to try and lead my own guild. So nows my chance. Have not desided on a guild name yet. Looking for 3-5 more people then we will talk and find out a name. The first person to join up w/ me will be secessor and then the next 9 will be officers. The rest of the people wll be members untill one of our officers comes to me telling me a reson why you sould be an officer then i will desided yes or no. The rules for this guild will be:

-no drama
- no age restriction
-have fun
-and respect the guild and others when you have the name above your head u repersent all of us.

ok so ya thanks to all who sign up