This sort of came up in a different thread, but since I am in the process (early on) of making one, thought I would bring my questions here more or less
Made a WF Wizzie Rogue yesterday, leveled up to three (Bigfatpauly on Khyber). So far have been able to take out any trap I have encountered, and my arcane ability is about the same as my pure Wizzie when he was level 2, which makes sense. Haven't sent anything substantial to this toon yet, want to see how he plays out without a lot of gear.
First level Rogue, second and third level Wizzie. So far so good, but have a couple questions, but first some background on why I wanted to make this toon.
I noticed on my Wizzie 9 that I don't burn and destroy so much as I do on my Sorc, but instead cast spells like Heightened Web, Solid Fog, buffs and debuffs, mainly due to not enough manna to burn everything in the quest. I went WF because that way I can heal myself right from level 1. My eventual plan is to be a self healing buffer and crowd controller with evasion and trap skills, with a somewhat limited ability to burn and destroy if needed. Was looking for a bit of a change of pace, and my two favorite characters to play are my Sorc and my pure Rogue, so wanted to combine them a bit. Also, I wasn't so concerned with having a high Spot as I know where most of the traps are on the low and mid level content, and people are ever so (some might say overly) enthusiastic to point out where they are anyhow.
So my questions.....
1. When is a good time to take my second level of Rogue?
2. My experience with Crowd Control spells (other than Firewall which is more of a Crowd Killer than a Crowd Controller) sort of caps out at caster level 9. At this point, Heightened Web and Solid Fog work well still, but is there a point where they DONT work well anymore, and if so what is a good substitute? I heard they sort of nerfed the Dancing Ball, at least for the Reaver raid.
3. Already preparing to deal with those who will be cranky that I don't have Haste at total character level 5. Can I use Haste Scrolls 100% at total character level 5 even if one or more of them are Rogue levels, or will it call for a level check with a percentage of failure?
4. Insightful Reflexes (think thats what it is called) seems like a great feat, so I can use my Intel modifier instead of my Dex mod for Reflex saves. Is this a 'must have' feat or a 'nice to have' feat to go with Evasion? Will I have enough feats to take the necessary Class Feats, Spell Pen, and IR? My dex is 14 with no items at the moment.
5. So far have been keeping my Search and Disable skills maxed at each level up. If I don't max one of these during a Wizzie level up, can I put multiple points into it at my Rogue level up (or a subsequent Wizzie level up) or does failure to max a skill mean that the ship has sailed?
Thanks for any advice anyone can give me on this, especially those who have made this type of multiclass before.