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  1. #1
    Founder Aerdyn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Returning player questions

    Hey all,

    I'm a returning player, checking back in after being gone for 2+ years. My highest char was a level 8 back when 10 was the cap; so, it's been a while. I'm also an alt-aholic, and I have 2 level 6's and a lvl 5 from back then. If I ever played them now, it may be worth re-rolling, but that's for another time.

    Anyways, I was wondering a couple of things if anyone can help me out:
    a) I've tried logging in around all times so far and it's fairly quiet and dead, at least in terms of LFG, which used to be packed. I expect that most folks just run with those they know or their guilds and don't often use LFG. Is this the case or is this a sparse population server, or season?

    b) Any advice for someone who tends to find themselves solo when they log in? My lvl 8 is the one I'll focus on trying to advance, and that's a cleric; obviously a solid choice for a lot of soloing. I'm new to what's worthwhile doing and what's not though, and while there's some info on the forums, much of it seems old. I'd just like to see if there's some advice from folks.

    c) While I was in a guild of RL friends when I left, I'm the only one back. If guilding is the best way to group, is there a proper place to look to be recruited or to look for guilds recruiting? The guild part of this forum is sparse, and as such it doesn't seem to be there.

    If anyone can throw me a bone on any of these answers, either in a PM or just a response, I'd appreciate it. I'm a long time MMO player who's been in raiding guilds or groups in EQ1, and WoW (the mmo played list is much longer, and not worth listing when it's probably common to most folks who would play this game). I'm not looking to LIVE in ddo, but I'd love to be able to pop in several times a week for a few and advance and group. It may be that I've come back too late, and, if so, I'll deal.

    Thanks for reading.

  2. #2


    Welcome back!

    1. It's actually fairly busy. You just caught the game on a maintenace day, and there still some issues for some. Rarely do I see less than 2 instances of the Marketplace. THelanis is one ofthe biggest servers.

    2. Lot of things I can say here. However, I do play clerics and my alts are listed in the sig. Ask me anytime ingame. Clerics are soloable, but for the new and unfamiliar, soloing anything above level 6 is very tough. Clerics that heal will get groups easily.

    3.Check out the guild listings here. It has been recently updated so you look around. Also, if you run with someone who seems to your type of playstyle, ask them about their guild.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  3. #3
    Founder Aerdyn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Thank you

    Thanks for the response and for the advice.

    I logged in for the first time on ... Friday? I was on at various points on Saturday and Sunday as well. Night was definitely busiest, which is no suprise ( i play EST ). I do play my cleric to heal, mostly.

    Again, thank you. A lot has changed since I last played (favor, respecs, 32pt characters, drow, monks, solo mode, hirelings and a mess of new content). I'm trying to get back into the feel for what's going on and when, and where to go for what. I'll check into the guild listings and see what I can find, as well.

    One last question: hirelings
    I don't know how much people are using them, but I haven't tried yet thinking to save on some monies. Are they effective for their role?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Aerdyn View Post
    Thanks for the response and for the advice.

    I logged in for the first time on ... Friday? I was on at various points on Saturday and Sunday as well. Night was definitely busiest, which is no suprise ( i play EST ). I do play my cleric to heal, mostly.

    Again, thank you. A lot has changed since I last played (favor, respecs, 32pt characters, drow, monks, solo mode, hirelings and a mess of new content). I'm trying to get back into the feel for what's going on and when, and where to go for what. I'll check into the guild listings and see what I can find, as well.

    One last question: hirelings
    I don't know how much people are using them, but I haven't tried yet thinking to save on some monies. Are they effective for their role?
    No Problem!

    Hirelings. They are used, though the clerics tend to be idiots. Tankage types seem to be the most effective. My favourite is FRenzy. He likes breakables!

    As for cash, here is some good tips: Any lightning split soarwood or Tome: Prophaecies of Khyber collectibles you pick up I would place them on the auction house for between 100k gold to 300k gold. These are used in the crafting process. When I go to other servers where I do not have cash, that is what I do.

    If you are a good healer, you will likely get cash from the party. While it is not expected, and on occasion no even needed, it is a sign of a job well done.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  5. #5
    Founder Aerdyn's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Much thanks

    Thanks again. That's more information than I've found in many searches.

    When online, I'll probably be playing Liandir. If you have need of a L8 cleric for something alty, let me know.

    Best wishes,


  6. #6


    a. I left for almost a year, and felt somewhat lost when I came back as well. The population is actually as good now as when I left. However, no one uses their "LFG" tag. Everyone uses the "LFM" board. As a cleric, you should have no problem getting parties.

    b. If you are playing solo, I suggest picking up a hireling, and hitting some of the slayer areas. You can get xp for kills, explorer points, and killing named mobs. You dont have to worry about recalling for mana this way and can run at your own pace getting more familiar with things. These areas are likely new since your last DDO visit. For a lvl 8, try Sorrowdusk Island (the boat in House D). Probably a decent one to work on.

    c. Remove your guild tag (if you still have one) and I guarantee you'll get recruited very quickly as a cleric. My advice however is to take a little time before jumping into a guild. A bad guild can kill your enjoyment, and a good one can make this game a fantastic experience. Find people you like running with. Make that your highest priority over anything else.

    And keep posting on the forums! The Thelanis community loves to help out new and returning players. Note my alts in my signature, and feel free to ask me any questions in game or in PM's any time! Price checks, build advice, whatever...we all love to help!
    Looting's our business and business is good.
    Officer On Thelanis - Deathseer, Deathslasher, Deathcount, Deathslicer, Deathspinner, Deathsneak, Deathswiper, Deathdoctor

  7. #7
    Founder Aerdyn's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Thank you Deathseeker

    Thanks for the additional advice. You're quite right in noing what's new from the last time that I played, and, I admit, it's been harder to track down good information about ddo than many of the other mmos out there. Noting the slayer zones is a good starting point and something to tackle when solo.

    I appreciate the help that you and DrWhoFan have tossed my way.


  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Aerdyn View Post
    Thanks for the additional advice. You're quite right in noing what's new from the last time that I played, and, I admit, it's been harder to track down good information about ddo than many of the other mmos out there. Noting the slayer zones is a good starting point and something to tackle when solo.

    I appreciate the help that you and DrWhoFan have tossed my way.

    no problem. My alts are listed in the sig, so if you see me, hit me with a tell
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  9. #9
    Community Member Murgatroyd's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Hail Aerdyn!

    I would also suggest that you check the compendium. It's now a wiki and contains all sorts of good information.

    As a cleric you won't find any shortage or work, but if you feel that you're soloing too much create an lfm. If you're unsure of the quest, just mention it in the lfm that you're a returning player and your memory is a bit fuzzy or something along those lines.

    Questions usually get answered here on the boards and there's seldom a l2p noob answer to your question. Don't be shy to use the community as a resource, it's what we're here for
    Officer of The Band of the Shifting Sands
    Bluntzen Herk Kalashtar Jamira Kaminagi Linwei Minimurg Murgatroyd Sesshomaru
    He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future. --George Orwell

  10. #10
    Community Member bellatrixx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Same thing, here

    I too, left for awhile and came back to the game. when I left, the level cap wasn't 16, so I had alot of catching up to do. After talking with old friends and reveiwing what had changed, I decided to re-roll my cleric, (my favorite) so she could 'keep up' with the changes the game had gone through since I left. BEST decision I made. However, she was over level 8, and yours may be fine. I re-spec'ed my fighter and as I have been playing, am making decisions on re-rolling some of my other characters. Like others have said, as a cleric you should have no problem finding people to play with and most will be willing to help you out. Look for me in game, I have some alts I am leveling, and should have some that can play along. Welcome back! See you in game.

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