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Thread: Long Swords

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  1. #1
    Community Member Suzaku's Avatar
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    Default Long Swords

    So is it worth while to have longswords for elf vs monsters that can't be crit like Undead? Or am I missing something about rapiers?
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  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Suzaku View Post
    So is it worth while to have longswords for elf vs monsters that can't be crit like Undead? Or am I missing something about rapiers?
    on str builds, longswords are awesome against undead but most str builds are dwarves who would use dwarven axes. most elves are build for ac and are likely to use rapiers as they are finesseable
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  3. #3
    Community Member Soul-Shaker's Avatar
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    Depends on which undead and your build type.

    Skellis its better to use bludgeons like holy of grtr bane but if you must use a LS or rapier I'm guessing it would be transmuting of grtr bane then a LS wins only if your a str build
    Mummies slash bypasses the dr so holy/burst LS of grtr undead will be your best weapon if your a str build.
    Ghosts dont have dr so doesnt favor 1 side. Rapier wins if both are greensteel posx3 dmg weapons by 2 points due to burst effects but in other cases LS wins.

    In general choose the one that bypasses dr first, that usually does more dps then the +2 racial and extra burst effects your weapon may have.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Mithran's Avatar
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    Default I gave up on Longswords.

    I went longswords/IC: Slash on my early elven builds, but since I get the use of scimitars with my martial builds, I've gone to those when constructing Greensteel (for Slashers). Where I have IC: Pierce on my elven builds, there's no excuse for not going Rapiers.
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  5. #5
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Ultimately Rapiers (Greensteel) are way betterthan longswords. Though, if your plotting a STR build, you'll get additional to hit with Vorpal Longswords.
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  6. #6
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Long Swords are not Optimal.
    However for flavor I typically perfer them.
    They are not terrible, but they don't do as much damage as Rapiers on average.
    vs non crittable Mobs they aren't bad ... but remember that even against non critable mobs certain effects like Bursting and Maiming still go off on Crits

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  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Soul-Shaker View Post
    Depends on which undead and your build type.

    Skellis its better to use bludgeons like holy of grtr bane but if you must use a LS or rapier I'm guessing it would be transmuting of grtr bane then a LS wins only if your a str build
    Mummies slash bypasses the dr so holy/burst LS of grtr undead will be your best weapon if your a str build.
    Ghosts dont have dr so doesnt favor 1 side. Rapier wins if both are greensteel posx3 dmg weapons by 2 points due to burst effects but in other cases LS wins.

    In general choose the one that bypasses dr first, that usually does more dps then the +2 racial and extra burst effects your weapon may have.
    i think mummies have DR5/-
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  8. #8
    Community Member kingfisher's Avatar
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    longswords work well for undead, eles, vorps,etc. even smiters until you get rapiers. longswords are just easier to aquire than rapiers, so using as an elf getting the bonuses to both is nice until you have a whole set of rapiers.

    plus you dont feel silly poking things with a fencing stick, even tho you are doing less damage

  9. #9
    Founder Balkas's Avatar
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    I use longswords because I'm hoping Whirling Steel Strike will be implemented

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