Hi everyone! Episode 106 of DDOcast is now ready to go. Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3.

This week features news and other thoughts along with a look at the Madstone Boots in "Inside the Treasure Trove" and a discussion on pure class vs. splashing Monks on "Inside the Monestary". Thanks so much for listening!


:25 Intro
2:25 Mod 9 and Anniversary Talk
3:58 New DDO.com Forums
5:45 LFHSS - Looking for Hireling Stuck Spots
6:40 Downtime
7:11 Valentine's Screenshot Awards
7:37 Plat4Loot Parody Commercial
9:03 From the Treasure Trove
14:00 Dusk Heart
15:55 Inside the Monestary
21:30 Elf Beauty Contest
22:10 Caffeine Full Tome Set Video
22:34 New DDO Comic
22:54 Recent Press and Thoughts
30:40 T-shirt?
31:15 New Player Advice: Vendors and Air Elementals
36:50 Email: Guild Housing



- Scheduled Maintenance: Monday, February 23rd from 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST (-5 GMT)
Feb 20, 2009 - 6:29 PM - by Tarrant

The game servers and http://myaccount.turbine.com will be offline for maintenance on Monday, February 23rd from 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM Eastern (-5 GMT). The forums and wikis will remain up, but may experience intermittent downtime from 6:00 - 7:30 AM, and players may not be able to log in throughout the maintenance window. Thanks for your patience, and we'll see you back in the game soon!

- Here's a LINK to Thoon's forum post where he's looking for help to find Hireling stuck spots.

- Here's a LINK to the results for the DDO.com Valentine's Day Screenshot Contest.

- Here's a LINK to info about the Smokin' Hot Elf Chick contest taking place on Ghallanda.

- Here's Xiloscient's video of the Caffeine Full Tome Giveaway on Sarlona:

Here's a LINK to the video on YouTube.

- Here's a LINK to Brannigan Foehammer's new DDO comic.

- Here's a LINK to Eurogamer's Ten Level Test.

- Here's a LINK to Gaming on a Budget Ep 9.

- Here's a LINK to Zazzle's DDO t-shirt (purchase at your own risk, I know nothing about whether this is cool or not).

- Here's a screenshot of the Dusk Heart!

All right, see you soon!
