Inspired by Bunker and Shyv on Thelanis,
Mhykke (My Little Pwny) swapped out for reconstruct, I (Archmagi) toughened up my Docent and it was time to go. Part one was a 23 minute grindapalooza.
Part 2 was tougher than we expectedFull credit to those who went before us - that timing is nuts. We had the orthon, earth troll and Orc. That troll regen and stoneskin from earth was a pain
This part took us the longest of all 3, we had a couple of close pulls but had to reset a few times and get sp back. Doing it again we could have shaved probably 20-25 minutes off completion time.
Part 3. Duh.
Part 4. Actually suprisingly fast. 6 rounds.
Part 5. Grind lol.
I used a few pots etc etc to top off etc, Im not sure how many pots/scrolls wands mhykke used. Im sure he'll fill in the blanks.
Great fun, but morale of the story..."We need a new mod".
Cheers - And a Big /salute to Mhykke who did an amazing job.
Edit: And you KNOW what the large ingredian chest held... LARGE BONE EACH!
"No, You!!"