Hey all, I just can't make a repeater build that I'm totally pleased with. Don't have a pick user either. The following are available for trade, certainly not asking the world, just don't feel like AHing them.

+2 paralyzing densewood repeating light cbow of puncturing ml 14, rr halfling (24 umd)
+1 acid repeating light cbow of puncturing, ml 6
+4 transmuting repating heavy cbow of pure good ml 12
+3 shock repeating cbow of pure good ml6 rr WF (umd 20)

+1 banishing heavy pick of shattermantle, ml12
+2 banishing heavy pick of maiming, ml12, rr elf,drow (22 umd)

Thanks for looking, hopefully I can help someone out, etc.

FWIW, I have an upcoming Dwarven cleric, human cleric (both under level 7) elven tempest finesse build (level 8 currently) and a level 9 rogue/wizard that could be equipped.

The elven ranger will end up being my main.