not looking at anyone here aye Kistilan, hehe.
this is the real deal right here
Enjoy your spam kistilan, Tatharion can be a real spammer, lol
not looking at anyone here aye Kistilan, hehe.
this is the real deal right here
Enjoy your spam kistilan, Tatharion can be a real spammer, lol
Somedays your the Bug
Somedays your the Windscreen.
You could both just tell me to shut up!! Sheez
Everyone else does![]()
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and for lunch
yesterday I had....
yes, you guessed it
SPAM with tomatoe and black pepper
I only had Spam, spam, tomatoe, tomatoe, tomatoe, tomatoe, pepper and pepper
Cheers LOL
oh and a coffee
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heheheh *chuckles*
methinks he not worked out who you are yet
*chuckles* some more
Wonder if he can figure you out quickerer than me did
ssshhhh .... secret me not tell
Reaver tonight, Hmmm???
6pm ish???
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lmao, yip kist is in the dark....again
oh and hes already about 1 year to late so theres no chance of him guessing before you did, lol.
6pm ish sounds just fine to.
Somedays your the Bug
Somedays your the Windscreen.
*dons his viking hat and wanders off singing*
spam, spam, spam, spam,
spam, spam, spam,
wonderful spam,
glorious spam.....
Somedays your the Bug
Somedays your the Windscreen.
If you spell more like an Aussie you perhaps wont give it away so much
Follow me on TWITTER - IF YOU DARE
You guys know I know that you think I don't know that I know that I don't know who you know I know but I do know..... *shakes head* I'm very good at this sort of thing.
Back to reading SECRETS. Ya know?