I just got a new computer with Vista installed on it. I downloaded the client, and when I go to install it it's telling me that I cannot run this as an administrator. I'm Vista stupid, so any help?
I just got a new computer with Vista installed on it. I downloaded the client, and when I go to install it it's telling me that I cannot run this as an administrator. I'm Vista stupid, so any help?
...the eyes of a ghastly white vampire stare back at you...his fangs gleam in the light from your torches and lanterns...In your heart, you know that most who have seen this face never lived to see another
also having this problem and not finding anything about it.
Found this in the knowledge database under LOTRO users having the same issue:
This problem is most likely traced back to administrator settings in Vista.
LOTRO can automatically request administrator rights using UAC.
You will need to have UAC enabled and should not be logged in as an administrator.
To test this, you can create a new useraccount without administrator rights.
If the game runs properly under that user account, you will need to modify your main user account to not have administrator rights.