What's up with lack of these characters in the game? I think they can be very cool to have in some raid where they draw lots of aggro on casters while them (casters) being pounded to dust..
Just some sketch of Arcane Archer pre-defined character path. The real deal is enhancements.
Taking all of the Ranger Arcane Archer enhancements along with all Favored Enemy Attack, Defense, and Resistance Enahncements. Couple of Dex Enhancements and Sprint Boost II.
As for Feats - Arcane Archer Feats (Mental Toughness, Point Blank Shot and WF: Ranged) It leaves me with two Toughness Feats.
If anyone has something to suggest - I'm open to ideas. Be warned, 28pt build!
Edit: For feats, what's your take on precision and manyshot? I think I'm able to make mod8 Arcane Archer who will kill almost any target before melee guys will be able to close on him. About Enhancements, I think I will drop Favored Attack, cause I will have virtually unlimited True Strike shots with +20 to hit.