let us open doors without breaking sneak mode this really sux when you can sneak pass 20 mobs then die becouse u have to open a door/lever.
let us open doors without breaking sneak mode this really sux when you can sneak pass 20 mobs then die becouse u have to open a door/lever.
deadz man... you haven't put enough of your skill points into hide/move silently...
Grawwl (Father of the Bennette Family Warriors) - now with FP of the defender and Bloodstone!) || Graaol || Graaul || Graaveen - the Healing Uncle
---"You have no characters" <-- LIES!!!
I wish there was a middle ground that gave you a minus to skills but left you on sneak mode. I'm even more upset about it breaking Invisibility.
But there are ways around it.
There are many ways to open a door and not get seen.
THis is yet another rogue ability that needs to be address. I have no issue with a -10 or 20 WHILE openign a door or pullinga lever. THe act should generate some intrest in whats going on over there, but to completely break stealth is silly.
I think my issue is the heavy armor i'm wearing around my gut.
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My Grandfather once dated Madonna. Right around WWII.