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  1. #21
    Community Member InfidelofHaLL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbi_Hordo View Post
    Loreseekers has officially lifted the recruitment moratorium, but is engaging in limited recruiting. That is to say we are selectively recruiting players based upon compatability with our Terms of Membership posted on our website and with whom we have a questing background in groups with officers.
    We will be open to F2P players when Mod 9 drops and are currently reviewing our requirements for this different population. Our decision will be posted here, but for now, rest assured we will not turn anyone away simply because they are F2P.
    Anyone who has ever been turned away or ejected from Loreseekers has violated the Terms of Membership and the Charter and only for those reasons. This is why I advise any and all potential applicants to review the Terms of Membership, and if you have any questions feel free to email me via the Loreseekers Guild website.
    u have a terms of membership and a charter wow... maybe i will go read those one day :P

  2. #22
    Community Member Rabbi_Hordo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InfidelofHaLL View Post
    u have a terms of membership and a charter wow... maybe i will go read those one day :P
    No problem. I'm working on a version at your reading level...2nd Grade was it?

  3. #23
    Community Member InfidelofHaLL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbi_Hordo View Post
    No problem. I'm working on a version at your reading level...2nd Grade was it?
    no it was pre-k get it right don't make me come back to the states to teach u!!!! :P

  4. #24
    Community Member Rabbi_Hordo's Avatar
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    In order to better assist applicants to the guild, and others who may be interested, I figured a post here would be beneficial.

    The Loreseekers guild is again accepting applications, with no restrictions on what kinds of toons you have. You will have to go through some administrative hoops however:

    1. Go to and check out the website. While you are there there are a few things that are necessary for you to before you could become a member.

    2. In the Welcome message is a link to the Terms of Membership. Review those, and they are in a public forum page so no website access is yet required. If you agree to all the Terms of Membership, then you may procede to apply for it on the website.

    3. You need a GuildPortal account in order to apply on the website. At the top of the page is a Join This Guild link (or some such) and by clicking that one of two things will happen: a) if you have a GuildPortal account you will immediately be taken to the application itself; or b) you will be taken to the GuildPortal account creation page and will need to do that first, before going back and applying to the guild.

    4. Once you have filled out the application, and hopefully you have some Characters you entered in your GuildPortal application, you will need to sign up for an Open Applicant Officer Run. These are listed on the Events Panel on the right side of the home page and you can choose to run any level character by signing up for the appropriately levelled run.

    5. At that run you will be evaluated by the officers in the group as to how well you fit in with our crowd. And if you read the Terms of Membership and the Welcome Message it should be fairly easy to find out just what kind of person we are looking for.

    Only after these steps will you be accepted into the guild if you are approved and then you will have your website access upgraded on the website and your characters invited into the in-game guild. As always if you have any questions let me know. You can get me here, but it is best to contact me via the guild website.

  5. #25
    Community Member Rabbi_Hordo's Avatar
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    Default To all who think they have been lost in the shuffle...

    To all who think they have been lost in the shuffle and flurry of applications, you have not.

    Mea Culpa. Mea Maxima Culpa.

    I was remiss in my duties for a long while, but now my surgeries are complete, my wedding is over and, with the exception of the out-of-town for parts of the holidays, I'm back and better than ever.

    My point is this: if you applied to Loreseekers and I haven't gotten to you it is because I was away from the game and I apologize. I did not actually assign any officers to cover me. Heck, I was unable to attend monthly officer meetings for what, 3 months now?

    Anyway, I am going through all the applications and will try to get in touch with each of you in turn. I have toons of nearly every level and now have a schedule of play that permits me the time it takes for the evaluation runs.

    I will give priority to any who have already applied to the guild on the guild website when forming groups. If you applied and got sick of waiting, and I don't blame you, and joined another guild, just let me know and I'll scratch off that name from my list of folks I need to get in touch with.

    Feel free to PM me with any questions.


  6. #26
    Community Member Rabbi_Hordo's Avatar
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    Alrighty folks...all the bullschlacha is done!

    We have a newer, slimmer, and more straight-forward Guild Charter and Terms of Membership and have ironed out the wrinkles.

    Looking forward to 2010 we are open to applications, so look us up on the website!

  7. #27
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbi_Hordo View Post
    Alrighty folks...all the bullschlacha is done!

    We have a newer, slimmer, and more straight-forward Guild Charter and Terms of Membership and have ironed out the wrinkles.

    Looking forward to 2010 we are open to applications, so look us up on the website!
    Wow, you have a guild charter... we thought about one and offered written policy in the past but "Go wreak havoc and let the maid clean it up." just bare little space on media...

    God no wonder am bloody so tired, takes a lot to train people to get such right.
    A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes.
    Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour

  8. #28
    Community Member Rabbi_Hordo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emili View Post

    Wow, you have a guild charter... we thought about one and offered written policy in the past but "Go wreak havoc and let the maid clean it up." just bare little space on media...

    God no wonder am bloody so tired, takes a lot to train people to get such right.
    Yah, the first guild charter was written...well, 4 years ago this coming me using a compilation of TONS of various material I had found in different guilds on different games. I've revised it every year since then with this one being the most comprehensive reworking.

  9. #29
    Community Member BLAKROC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbi_Hordo View Post
    No problem. I'm working on a version at your reading level...2nd Grade was it?
    he will need a picture primer me is thinkin...................
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post

  10. #30
    Community Member Rabbi_Hordo's Avatar
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    Just a friendly bump to remind folks that we exist! LOL

    We accept applications from folks with toons who have successfully achieved level 10.

    Check out our website!

  11. #31
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    Applied on forums.

    Look forward to hearing from you all !

  12. #32
    Community Member Calebro's Avatar
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    And we look forward to seeing you in action.

  13. #33
    Community Member Rabbi_Hordo's Avatar
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    We have had several people who have applied in the last week and we will be getting you some officer runs soon as we are trying to sort through some other stuff as well for the guild at large. Drop by and post a message on our Public forum and help me give a swift kick in mean help me get some officers working with you!

  14. #34
    Community Member Rabbi_Hordo's Avatar
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    Aside from the Guild Merger of Disposable Heroes into Loreseekers, we are on a recruitment moratorium at the moment. We are not accepting any new applicants at this time, however, those who have already applied will be contacted regarding possible membership.

    Thanks and I look forward to the time very soon that we reinstate recruitment.


  15. #35
    Community Member KKDragonLord's Avatar
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  16. #36
    Community Member Tyche's Avatar
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    Ok, so we still have a moratorium on recruitment, but we also did just hit guild level 25...and got the new ship. It is very nice!

    Thank you to all my guildies for slaving so hard to get me my new ride.

  17. 07-12-2010, 05:08 PM

  18. #37
    Community Member lbroyles's Avatar
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    Default Thanks!

    I just wanted to say thank you for taking me in.
    I’m a returning player. I haven’t logged, in almost a year! Even then I just played old content. A lot has changed since then. In high school I was a dedicated player. I would always see Loreseekers running around, so it is awesome to be part of Khyber history. I have grown up but the love for this game is still there. I’m looking forward to doing some raids and just regular questing with all of you.
    Thank You
    PS. Felyxe, I’m also trying to get my brother to start playing again.

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