Can we get a command that lists the Characters that are on a Userchat plz??
I just find it frustrating to not know who is on it.
Can we get a command that lists the Characters that are on a Userchat plz??
I just find it frustrating to not know who is on it.
Kasik ~Rogue~ Fui ~ Barb ~ Emmeryl ~ Clr ~ Hilcias ~ Sorc ~
Cool kids play on Mabar!
This would be great! I think we have some lurkers on a channel.
Knut {16/clr} Golari {16/wiz} Bashfully {16/rgr}
Sigvard {10/ftr 2/rog 3/pal} Kirie {14/pal}
Probably can expand the list of requested options to full channel administration, not unlike the guild administration options:
- Channel moderators (owner/promote/demote)
- Invite/Remove functionality
- MOTD functionality
Brenna, Tzanna, and Tzinna Wavekin
The Dancing Rogues of Argonnessen
Hi Nahual,
It's funny you bring this up today. I just suggested to the design team yesterday that we should do this, and have word from the engine team that it would not be hard to get the list of characters, so you may be seeing this in the future!
Thanks for the suggestion!
Hey Phax,
Since your obviously responding to threads in here why dont you chime in on my thread about volume sliders in parties. It would be nice to finally know one way or another if it is even possible. I have been posting that idea for almost 2yrs without a single solitary response.
moderation would be nice too.
(You could just use an IRC server internally, or better yet, even give us access outside of the game.)
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