Our Guild Charter will give you a good understanding of who we are, please read below.
Guild Guidelines
These are the closest things we have to rules in the guild.
1) Open invite policy. We invite literally anyone into the guild and would like our members to refer people to us who they think will fit in and have fun with the guild. There are no pre-requisites, no initiations but bribes are always welcome!
2) One warning policy. The corollary to the above is that because we have little in the way of screening potential members, some people may join the guild who simply don’t fit in. We don’t want to take up the officers’ time in either screening recruits or overly policing guildies. So our policy is simple – you only get one warning. If you are a pugnuckle, or do anything that contravenes the guild values (see below) you’ll be given a warning by a guild officer. Do it again, and you will be booted from the guild with little fanfare.
3) Registration on the guild forums is strongly recommended. The in-game communication tools suck. We consider our forums @ http://www.srtg.org.au/forums to be an integral part of our little community and thus registering on our forums is required of every guild member.
Guild Values
These are the general guild values; consider them to see if you think you’ll fit in.
1) Fun takes priority over anything else. Believe it or not, we play this game for fun! Whilst it’s a pretty simple concept, many people lose sight of this in their quest for the uber-loot, a position on a raid roster, the ideal party make-up or the perfectly strategised quest. This guild is made up of people who want to log on to the game, forget about their real lives and just kill pixels with their mates. If you don’t value the fun aspects of the game more than anything else, you’ll likely be frustrated by our easy-going nature.
2) Respect your guildmates and treat them as you want to be treated. We have no time for people who consider themselves better than others because of their build, gear, cash, awesomeness or any other real or virtual reason. We hate listening to braggarts and can’t handle people that don’t realise this is a game for a party working in unison, not a group of individuals competing with one another. Any sort of griefing, abuse, harassment or unwanted teasing of our members by other members is taken really seriously. Don’t forget, communication works two ways – just because you are light-heartedly poking fun at someone else, doesn’t mean they take it that way. You need to be conscious of how other people respond to your behaviour.
3) Real life takes priority over the game. Our member and officer base plays pretty casually. Most of us are busy with our real lives and see the game as an opportunity to switch off from real life and hang out with like-minded people doing something fun. But sometimes real life intervenes – visitors drop over unexpectedly, the kid wakes up, the spouse needs attention or whatever. The point is that real life always takes priority, and no-one will hold it against you if you have to drop because something has come up.
4) You reflect the guild – don’t sully its good name. We have an excellent reputation on Khyber. Our guild is renown for being helpful, funny, easy going, fun to hang out with – and great players of the game to boot! We really don’t want our good name being tarnished and even though you may not know it, every one of us reflects upon the guild we are in. You need to be mindful of this whenever running with PUGs.
Guild Info
Some general information about the guild, for the curious.
* We are a Founding Guild and proud of it! That means we have been going strong for over two and a half years – check us out on the Founders' Stone in the Harbour!
* We are mostly comprised of Australian / NZ members with peak times in the evenings in the oceanic (roughly GMT +10) timezone
* We have a large contingent of Americas/Europe timezone players and officers too
* We are casual (not hardcore) players
* We do not discriminate potential members based on their geographical location
* There are no class, race or level restrictions
* We play on the Khyber server
What can we offer?
So you’ve read this far and are interested in joining? To sum up, this is what we can offer you.
* A large player base with people on at most times
* A stable, friendly, helpful, mature player base
* A solid, capable, experienced, organised and stable leadership team
* Most play styles catered for: raids, casual questing and naked Tempest Spine runs included!
* Almost no guild politics, grief
* Guild website and forums @ http://www.srtg.org.au(managed by *allyn). Talk stuff, get tech support, discuss game strategies, view the guild roster and heaps more!
* Organised, rostered raiding (managed by Sertrynus Chilli and Valaris)
* A guild bank with cash, equipment and consumables from newbies to raids! (managed by Sertrynus)