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Thread: How are things

  1. #1
    Founder Humble's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default How are things

    I know...another returning player.

    I started up my client from over a year ago again and decided to pop in and re-roll a new toon. Obviously things have changed and from the sound of it, some good and some bad. It's nice to see I still get a founder's helm.

    Anyways, I wanted to say hello and I had a few questions. If anyone has the time to answer, it would be much appreciated.

    1 - My guild is long and gone now and was curious how the guilds were on the server. I'm definitely a casual player, not playing every night and live on the west coast. Any recommendations on that front? I went through the guild list but not sure how up to date it is.

    2 - Are the server lag issues noticed everywhere or just in certain locations/dungeons?

    3 - What's the highest level allowed to solo dungeons? When I left it was level 4, I think.

    4 - Any other recommendations people have?

    Thanks in advance for replying and maybe see you folks in game.
    Humble Firebane - Ranger - Level 7 - Rank 1
    Keizer Soze - Wizard - Level 6 - Rank 1
    "Wise man says never **** on 3rd rail at train station."

  2. #2


    1. Guild list was updated last month. If you are interested my guild might be a good match-Merc's Only. let me know if you are interested.

    2. The Lag monster is still alive. It has been vaniushed mostly from the martetplace and other public areas, but turns up in the new high level raids alot.

    3. 4-6 I think still. Sorry. THe game's designed for parties.

    4. Shroud and crafting, other than that, enjoy the game!

    Finally Welcome Back!
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  3. #3
    Community Member Ministry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Advice

    Guild list -

    Lag is everywhere, but worse in some raids like the Shroud / 13th Eclipse than other places, but at your current level, you shouldn't have too much to worry about.

    The game really hasn't changed that much, but the server merge brought a lot of people under one roof and took some time to get comfortable. Now things are kinda cliquey with the different levels of players finding each other. It's still not a big deal at your level, but you will have to watch out for the guys who have done those quests about 200 times, and wanting to run through them at breakneck speeds.

    Turbine brought out hirelings if you like to solo or don't have enough people for a party, but they were met with mixed results and subsequent feedback.

    Welcome back and Good luck.

  4. #4
    Founder Humble's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Thank you very much for all of the quick replies.

    The main reason I asked about the solo'ing levels is that I actually do hope to join a guild, but want to make sure I get re-familiar with everything. Plus, I want to make sure I enjoy the game before settling down with a guild. I'd hate to enter a guild and then leave the game...that just wouldn't be right.

    Thanks again for the responses.
    Humble Firebane - Ranger - Level 7 - Rank 1
    Keizer Soze - Wizard - Level 6 - Rank 1
    "Wise man says never **** on 3rd rail at train station."

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Humble View Post
    Thank you very much for all of the quick replies.

    The main reason I asked about the solo'ing levels is that I actually do hope to join a guild, but want to make sure I get re-familiar with everything. Plus, I want to make sure I enjoy the game before settling down with a guild. I'd hate to enter a guild and then leave the game...that just wouldn't be right.

    Thanks again for the responses.
    PuG. It can be alot of fun, and you can meet alot of people. Don't be afraid to start a group saying you have been away for along time. Ask questions.

    I forgot about the hirelings! Thanks Ministry!
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  6. #6
    Community Member Suzaku's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post
    PuG. It can be alot of fun, and you can meet alot of people. Don't be afraid to start a group saying you have been away for along time. Ask questions.

    I forgot about the hirelings! Thanks Ministry!
    Lies I was kicked out of 3 groups when I mention I returned that day or the previous day.

    btw I'm lying

  7. #7
    Community Member Murgatroyd's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Humble View Post
    1 - My guild is long and gone now and was curious how the guilds were on the server. I'm definitely a casual player, not playing every night and live on the west coast. Any recommendations on that front? I went through the guild list but not sure how up to date it is.
    Like everyone else said, check the list. There's also a thread on big guilds, so if that's your thing you might want to sift through that thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Humble View Post
    2 - Are the server lag issues noticed everywhere or just in certain locations/dungeons?
    The higher the level you get the more the lag seems prevalent. It's probably because there's a lot of people on in those zones. The Shroud is pretty bad at times, but you will also notice similar lag in Gianthold.

    Quote Originally Posted by Humble View Post
    3 - What's the highest level allowed to solo dungeons? When I left it was level 4, I think.
    I think all the various house quests are soloable. That means stuff in House P, D, J, K excluding stuff like Deleras and the Vons.

    Quote Originally Posted by Humble View Post
    4 - Any other recommendations people have?
    Honestly, reroll a new character. I came back from an 8th month hiatus and redoing the beginning quests were a lot of fun. I would suggest that anyone coming back before they added Korthos Island to go through it at least once.

    If you get the exploration itch I'd check out some of the zones that they've added. If you were around when they released the Gianthold stuff, they've modified a lot of zones to be like that (ex. Waterworks, Cerulean Hills, Sands of Menechtarun)

    Run Deleras' as soon as you can to get the Voice of the Master. It's a trinket that will give you an extra 5% xp bonus if you're wearing it when you complete a quest. Also check out the tribute monument to Gary Gygax in the graveyard while you're at it
    Officer of The Band of the Shifting Sands
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