The Lifetakers and Heartbreakers and the Southern Tenant Farmers Union -Two best guilds on Ghallanda
LT&HBers for the more family oriented - S.T.F.U. for those who want to run fast and furious and don't mind a few four letter words.
The Lifetakers and Heartbreakers and the Southern Tenant Farmers Union -Two best guilds on Ghallanda
LT&HBers for the more family oriented - S.T.F.U. for those who want to run fast and furious and don't mind a few four letter words.
Last edited by redraider; 02-22-2009 at 10:27 AM.
Captain's Crew - Ghallanda
If "family oriented" means you hear Daerius (me!) cuss about his @#$$@^ kids, then I guess that counts!
Lifetakers isn't so much 'Family oriented' as 'family friendly'. Some guildees play with their kids and we try to keep guild chat (mostly) clean. But it can get salty in party chat...
Founder, The Circle of Night (Now on Orien!): Daerius (FvS), Khrandok (Alch/Arti), Branwynn (Brd), Vharcan (War), Alluriaan (Rog), et. al.
Back when my old guild had dried up but a few of us were still tryin' to hang on, L&H welcomed us into their guild raids and we always had a blast. I still enjoy running with any L&H members I run across.
Cheers to Lifetakers and Heartbreakers!!
Last edited by wamjratl1; 03-16-2009 at 10:19 AM.