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  1. #21


    A few things to consider...

    1. As has been said, THF includes the benefit of damaging multiple foes simultaneously so comparing to a single target can be somewhat misleading.
    2. This assumes that you hit on a 2+. While in current end game that is not a terrible assumption, we don't know how valid that will be in 20+ elite content. The Kensai will have a much higher to-hit bonus. It doesnt take much for them to suddenly leap back into contention. If the mobs dont have decent AC though, then this becomes moot.
    3. Passive, non-passable, mob DR has a very large effect on this. If we see mobs with 5/- or 10/- DR commonly that the transmuting won't bypass, that tilts things substantially more toward the THF.
    4. As has been said, this should really be a Greataxe vs Kopesh analysis. Greatsword has its only failings aside from the TWF vs THF issues or Fighter vs Ranger issues.

    Not suggesting the ultimate conclusion is incorrect, just pointing out that the devs have visibility to the above more than we do right now, and hopefully are taking them into account which explains the current disparity. Insert cynical comment here...
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  2. #22
    Community Member hu-flung-pu's Avatar
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    So we're all in agreement then?

    Time to bust out "Tome of Battle" maneuvers as fighter feats and enhancements?

  3. #23
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deathseeker View Post
    A few things to consider...

    1. As has been said, THF includes the benefit of damaging multiple foes simultaneously so comparing to a single target can be somewhat misleading.
    2. This assumes that you hit on a 2+. While in current end game that is not a terrible assumption, we don't know how valid that will be in 20+ elite content. The Kensai will have a much higher to-hit bonus. It doesnt take much for them to suddenly leap back into contention. If the mobs dont have decent AC though, then this becomes moot.
    3. Passive, non-passable, mob DR has a very large effect on this. If we see mobs with 5/- or 10/- DR commonly that the transmuting won't bypass, that tilts things substantially more toward the THF.
    4. As has been said, this should really be a Greataxe vs Kopesh analysis. Greatsword has its only failings aside from the TWF vs THF issues or Fighter vs Ranger issues.

    Not suggesting the ultimate conclusion is incorrect, just pointing out that the devs have visibility to the above more than we do right now, and hopefully are taking them into account which explains the current disparity. Insert cynical comment here...
    1. With these kind of numbers you would need to fight 4+ monsters at a time just to do equal damage, and, unless they put in more nests of kobolds i dont think this will make up for the 122 less dps..
    2. Kensai 3 gives no to-hit bonus, leaving the THF only +2 over the tempest kensai
    3. With THF hitting for around 70, TWF hitting for around 50 and glancing blows hitting for around 30... DR would affect TWF slightly more then THF on single target dps, but would affect multiple enemy glancing blows even more.

    This was originally intended as an unfortunate joke....
    But I suppose there are 4 main issues that could be addressed here...
    Greatsword vs Greataxe
    THF vs TWF
    Tempest 1 vs Kensai 3
    Ranger lvl 1-6 vs Fighter lvl 15-20

    Greataxe beats greatsword, always, in any conditions... unfortunate...
    TWF beats THF. There are arguments over this, but for most, this has been obvious since greensteel weapon and lvl 16 bard buffs have been around.
    Tempest 1 beats kensai 1. See eairlier post...

    The only redeeming factor for the 2-handed kensai is that we dont yet know what 17+ fighters will get. But beating rams might and 6 FE damage is not gonna be easy...

  4. #24
    Community Member Delt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey_Archer View Post
    I would rather see 5% attack speed for each tier of tempest... (5,10,15%)
    Would be better for all the pure rangers....
    Current tempest 1 is THE MOST powerful single PrE tier there is, and no tier 3 of any melee class can beat it...
    Some facts about your suggestion:

    - Tempest is also the most intensive Tier 1 ability
    - Nerfing Tempest Tier 1 without a complete respec feature would **** off too many subscribers
    - Your suggestion actually improves the current end game fotm (18ranger+2) which is anywhere from misguided to ********...

    I like being reminded why developers do not listen to 99% of their playerbase. Thanks.

  5. #25
    Community Member Aeneas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delt View Post
    Some facts about your suggestion:

    - Tempest is also the most intensive Tier 1 ability
    - Nerfing Tempest Tier 1 without a complete respec feature would **** off too many subscribers
    - Your suggestion actually improves the current end game fotm (18ranger+2) which is anywhere from misguided to ********...

    I like being reminded why developers do not listen to 99% of their playerbase. Thanks.
    It's not really that intense. You're getting twf and itwf as well as all your bow feats for free. Not to mention die hard at level 3. There really isn't much else you'd need to spend your feats on at that level. Human rangers are even less "burdened" by the feat requirement.
    Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths

  6. #26
    Community Member hu-flung-pu's Avatar
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    His idea to alter rangers wasn't so bad, but smaller increments to 10% would help.

    5%-> 7.5%-> 10%

    And Tempest may be the most Feat intensive, but every other PrE we've seen has to take something utterly rediculous or marginally helpful. All the while dodge (+1 AC), Mobility (Tumbling AC if you need it, quantifies as marginally useful), and Spring Attack (immensely helpful if you're in a zerg or die group.) All contribute to a class that's got so many other benefits built in to it. Healing wands, spells, favored enemie defensive and offensive bonuses, and bow strength.

    That's like telling a barbarian to take power attack AND cleave, for a PrE... Oh wait, we already have that in Frenzied berzerker.

    As a fighter, I'd gladly spend six feats to get what the Tempest Ranger gets at tier 1.
    Last edited by hu-flung-pu; 02-19-2009 at 03:43 PM.

  7. #27
    Community Member Bosco's Avatar
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    Default What about a sword of shadows kensai

    Whats the stats on that?

  8. #28
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delt View Post
    Some facts about your suggestion:

    - Tempest is also the most intensive Tier 1 ability
    - Nerfing Tempest Tier 1 without a complete respec feature would **** off too many subscribers
    - Your suggestion actually improves the current end game fotm (18ranger+2) which is anywhere from misguided to ********...

    I like being reminded why developers do not listen to 99% of their playerbase. Thanks.
    Some additional facts:

    -Tempest 1 costs 3 feat no AP, ranger 1-6 gets 3 free feats.... its not expensive at all compared to kensai....
    -If reducing your attack speed by 5% would cause you to stop playing the game... i would reccommend you .... stop playing the game....
    - Rewarding someone who doesnt take advantage of all the benefits of multiclassing?

    Right... lots of people have dedicated too much of their lives researching builds to have some developer come along and even things up a bit....

    Hmm... maybe if a noobish build was 1 step up from useless, more people would stick with the game... even if we did lose a couple powergamers complaining about a 5% loss...

  9. #29
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hu-flung-pu View Post
    As a fighter, I'd gladly spend six feats to get what the Tempest Ranger gets at tier 1.
    I second that....

  10. #30
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bosco View Post
    Whats the stats on that?
    Quite good actually... but still not close to tempest kensai...

    Sword of Shadow Kensai

    7 Greatsword
    5 weapon mod
    27 str mod
    2 Weapon spec enh
    4 Weapon spec feats
    4 kensai damage
    8 warchanter
    1 prayer
    10 Power attack


    Total hit: 68

    Crit damage:
    204 (68 x3)
    42 seeker (6 bloodstone +8kensai x3)
    246 crit

    attack 1: 0 damage
    attacks 2-13: 68
    attack 14-20: 246

    total hits: 12x68 = 816
    total crits: 7x246 = 1722

    average damage (816 + 1722) / 20 = 126.9

    Greatsword swing rate = 76 per minute

    76 x 126.9 /60 = 160.7 dps

    Offhand attacks occur on 3/5 swings and do about 50% damage
    3/5 * 50% = 30% additional dps from glancing blows

    137.6 + 30% = 209 dps with glancing blows

  11. #31
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    bad thing about the comparisons is that the only thing that benefits THF more than TWF is high STR and more Power Attack. Kensai damage increase is equal, but everything else is favored for the twf. Sucks for any non WF barb that likes to use two handers, because they miss out on 12 damage a swing. Not to mention the lower str modifier.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  12. #32
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    bad thing about the comparisons is that the only thing that benefits THF more than TWF is high STR and more Power Attack. Kensai damage increase is equal, but everything else is favored for the twf. Sucks for any non WF barb that likes to use two handers, because they miss out on 12 damage a swing. Not to mention the lower str modifier.
    Yep... WF barbs can do well as THF (supreme cleave and vicious damage comes to mind here) which easily justifies taking THF over TWF for FB for half the self-inflicted damage and stronger cleaves..
    Unfortuantly, Eladrin has indicated that Kensai is likely to be the Fighter PrE choice for 2-handed fighters.
    So far, the best (and pretty much only good) kensai build is dual khopesh, and taking tempest 1 just makes this even better.
    So far the best 2-handed fighter build is to scrap all 20 fighter levels and go barb instead.

  13. #33
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    In regards to the Tempest Speed boost.

    They ought to add in a prereq of Ranger Sprint boost to the PrE and give the PrE one of those second channel buffs. (ex. Assassin Poison, Kensai Power Surge, Defensive Stance, etc.) Make it last one minute, live on the second channel and mimic Fighter/Rogue Haste Boost I/II/III. (Note: Don’t let it stack with Fighter/Rogue Haste Boost I/II/III.)
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  14. #34
    Founder smyter's Avatar
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    I am really like this thread. You are doing a great job, Monkey. Would you imnd throwing together a pure TWF Kensai fighter to see how they pale vs a tempest ranger. Dualing khopeshes for apples to apples, and then try a dwarven axe with dwarf enhancements would be fun too.

  15. #35
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smyter View Post
    I am really like this thread. You are doing a great job, Monkey. Would you imnd throwing together a pure TWF Kensai fighter to see how they pale vs a tempest ranger. Dualing khopeshes for apples to apples, and then try a dwarven axe with dwarf enhancements would be fun too.
    Sure thing... (dwarf fighters please avert your eyes...)

    Tempest Kensai

    5.5 Khopesh
    5 weapon mod
    19 str mod
    1 weapon spec enh
    4 weapon spec feats
    2 kensai damage
    2 rams might
    6 FE damage
    8 warchanter
    1 prayer
    5 power attack
    58.5 mainhand
    48.5 offhand (-10 for str)

    7 holy
    3.5 acid
    2.5 slicing

    Total mainhand: 71.5
    Total offhand 61.5

    Mainhand Crit damage:
    175.5 (58.5 x3)
    13 effects
    22 acid burst + acid blast
    30 seeker (6 bloodstone +4kensai)
    14 acid blast 20

    Offhand crit damage:
    145.5 (48.5 x3)
    13 effects
    22 acid burst + acid blast
    30 seeker (6 bloodstone +4 kensai)
    14 acid blast 20

    (Mainhand + offhand)
    attacks 1:0 damage
    attacks 2-16: 71.5 + 61.5 = 133
    attacks 17-19: 240.5 + 210.5 = 451
    attack 20: 254.5 +224.5 = 479

    total hits: 15 x 133 = 1995
    total crits: 3 x 451 = 1353
    Crit on a 20: 1 x479 = 479

    average damage (2025 + 1371 + 485) /20 = 191.4

    2-weapon swing rate = 83 +10 tempest = 93

    93 x 194 /60 = 296.6 dps


    Kensai Khopesh

    5.5 Khopesh
    5 weapon mod
    18 str mod
    2 weapon spec enh
    4 weapon spec feats
    2 kensai damage
    8 warchanter
    1 prayer
    5 power attack
    50.5 mainhand
    41.5 offhand (-9 for str)

    7 holy
    3.5 acid
    2.5 slicing

    Total mainhand: 63.5
    Total offhand 54.5

    Mainhand Crit damage:
    151.5 (50.5 x3)
    13 effects
    22 acid burst + acid blast
    30 seeker (6 bloodstone +4kensai)
    14 acid blast 20

    Offhand crit damage:
    124.5 (41.5 x3)
    13 effects
    22 acid burst + acid blast
    30 seeker (6 bloodstone +4 kensai)
    14 acid blast 20

    (Mainhand + offhand)
    attacks 1:0 damage
    attacks 2-15: 63.5 + 54.5 = 118
    attacks 16-19: 216.5 + 189.5 = 406
    attack 20: 230.5 +203.5 = 434

    total hits: 14 x 118 = 1652
    total crits: 4 x 406 = 1624
    Crit on a 20: 1 x434 = 434

    average damage (1652 + 1624 + 434) /20 = 185.5

    2-weapon swing rate = 83

    83 x 185.5 /60 = 256.6 dps


    Kensai Dwarvern axe

    9 Dwarvern Axe
    5 weapon mod
    18 str mod
    2 weapon spec enh
    4 weapon spec feats
    2 kensai damage
    2 dwarf enhancements
    8 warchanter
    1 prayer
    5 power attack
    56 mainhand
    47 offhand (-9 for str)

    7 holy
    3.5 acid
    2.5 slicing

    Total mainhand: 69
    Total offhand 60

    Mainhand Crit damage:
    168 (56 x3)
    13 effects
    22 acid burst + acid blast
    30 seeker (6 bloodstone +4kensai)
    14 acid blast 20

    Offhand crit damage:
    141 (47 x3)
    13 effects
    22 acid burst + acid blast
    30 seeker (6 bloodstone +4 kensai)
    14 acid blast 20

    (Mainhand + offhand)
    attacks 1:0 damage
    attacks 2-17: 69 + 60 = 129
    attacks 18-19: 233 + 206 = 439
    attack 20: 247 +220 = 467

    total hits: 16 x 129 = 2064
    total crits: 2 x 439 = 878
    Crit on a 20: 1 x467 = 467

    average damage (2064 + 878 + 467) /20 = 170.5

    2-weapon swing rate = 83

    83 x 170.5 /60 = 235.9 dps

    Keep in mind Khopesh and Dwarvern Axes (or Picks) are the best weapon choices for kensai....

    EDIT:Forgot to remove rams might str... numbers editted for kensai
    Last edited by Monkey_Archer; 02-20-2009 at 10:15 AM.

  16. #36
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    And not to leave out the poor elf kensai...

    Kensai Rapier

    4.5 Rapier
    5 weapon mod
    18 str mod
    2 weapon spec enh
    4 weapon spec feats
    2 kensai damage
    8 warchanter
    2 Elf Enhancements
    1 prayer
    5 power attack
    51.5 mainhand
    42.5 offhand (-9 for str)

    7 holy
    3.5 acid
    2.5 slicing

    Total mainhand: 64.5
    Total offhand 55.5

    Mainhand Crit damage:
    103 (51.5 x2)
    13 effects
    11 acid burst + acid blast
    20 seeker (6 bloodstone +4kensai)
    14 acid blast 20

    Offhand crit damage:
    85 (42.5 x3)
    13 effects
    11 acid burst + acid blast
    20 seeker (6 bloodstone +4 kensai)
    14 acid blast 20

    (Mainhand + offhand)
    attacks 1:0 damage
    attacks 2-13: 64.5 + 55.5 = 120
    attacks 14-19: 147 + 129 = 276
    attack 20: 161 + 143 = 304

    total hits: 12 x 120 = 1440
    total crits: 6 x 276 = 1656
    Crit on a 20: 1 x304 = 304

    average damage (1440 + 1656 + 304) /20 = 170

    2-weapon swing rate = 83

    83 x 170 /60 = 235.2 dps


    Kensai Longsword

    5.5 Longsword
    5 weapon mod
    18 str mod
    2 weapon spec enh
    4 weapon spec feats
    2 kensai damage
    8 warchanter
    2 Elf Enhancements
    1 prayer
    5 power attack
    52.5 mainhand
    43.5 offhand (-9 for str)

    7 holy
    3.5 acid
    2.5 slicing

    Total mainhand: 65.5
    Total offhand 56.5

    Mainhand Crit damage:
    105 (52.5 x2)
    13 effects
    11 acid burst + acid blast
    20 seeker (6 bloodstone +4kensai)
    14 acid blast 20

    Offhand crit damage:
    87 (43.5 x3)
    13 effects
    11 acid burst + acid blast
    20 seeker (6 bloodstone +4 kensai)
    14 acid blast 20

    (Mainhand + offhand)
    attacks 1:0 damage
    attacks 2-15: 65.5 + 56.5 = 122
    attacks 16-19: 149 + 131 = 280
    attack 20: 163 + 145 = 308

    total hits: 14 x 122 = 1708
    total crits: 4 x 280 = 1120
    Crit on a 20: 1 x308 = 308

    average damage (1708 + 1120 + 308) /20 = 157

    2-weapon swing rate = 83

    83 x 157 /60 = 217.2 dps

  17. #37
    Founder smyter's Avatar
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    How is the tempest kensai getting "2 weapon spec enh". Don't you need 16 fighter levels to get that?

  18. #38


    Monkey, this is a great thread, nice job.

    Are we sure favored enemy bonuses and the damage portion of ram's might are applied to the crit modifier? Just double checking...

    Would be interesting to see the Kopesh vs Kopesh analysis assuming you hit on a 6 instead of a 2. That would benefit the full Kensai somewhat due to the slightly better to-hit bonus and the crit accuracy enhancement bonuses.

    Looks to me like favored enemy is really the big differentiator in all this. Without that bonus, it look decently balanced.
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  19. #39
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smyter View Post
    How is the tempest kensai getting "2 weapon spec enh". Don't you need 16 fighter levels to get that?
    good catch.. numbers edited.

  20. #40
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deathseeker View Post
    Monkey, this is a great thread, nice job.

    Are we sure favored enemy bonuses and the damage portion of ram's might are applied to the crit modifier? Just double checking...

    Would be interesting to see the Kopesh vs Kopesh analysis assuming you hit on a 6 instead of a 2. That would benefit the full Kensai somewhat due to the slightly better to-hit bonus and the crit accuracy enhancement bonuses.

    Looks to me like favored enemy is really the big differentiator in all this. Without that bonus, it look decently balanced.
    Pretty sure FE counts for crits... could be wrong though.

    Kenasi gets all to hit bonuses at lvl 12 and nothing for tier 3, so the tempest/kensai actually has +1 to hit due to rams might...

    Numbers without FE damage, and tempest/kensai hits on a 2, kensai hits on a 3..

    Tempest Kensai

    5.5 Khopesh
    5 weapon mod
    19 str mod
    1 weapon spec enh
    4 weapon spec feats
    2 kensai damage
    2 rams might
    8 warchanter
    1 prayer
    5 power attack
    52.5 mainhand
    42.5 offhand (-10 for str)

    7 holy
    3.5 acid
    2.5 slicing

    Total mainhand: 65.5
    Total offhand 55.5

    Mainhand Crit damage:
    157.5 (52.5 x3)
    13 effects
    22 acid burst + acid blast
    30 seeker (6 bloodstone +4kensai)
    14 acid blast 20

    Offhand crit damage:
    127.5 (42.5 x3)
    13 effects
    22 acid burst + acid blast
    30 seeker (6 bloodstone +4 kensai)
    14 acid blast 20

    (Mainhand + offhand)
    attacks 1:0 damage
    attacks 2-16: 65.5 + 55.5 = 121
    attacks 17-19: 222.5 + 192.5 = 415
    attack 20: 236.5 + 206.5 = 443

    total hits: 15 x 121 = 1815
    total crits: 3 x 415 = 1245
    Crit on a 20: 1 x443 = 443

    average damage (2025 + 1371 + 485) /20 = 175.2

    2-weapon swing rate = 83 +10 tempest = 93

    93 x 175.2 /60 = 271.5 dps


    Kensai Khopesh

    5.5 Khopesh
    5 weapon mod
    18 str mod
    2 weapon spec enh
    4 weapon spec feats
    2 kensai damage
    8 warchanter
    1 prayer
    5 power attack
    50.5 mainhand
    41.5 offhand (-9 for str)

    7 holy
    3.5 acid
    2.5 slicing

    Total mainhand: 63.5
    Total offhand 54.5

    Mainhand Crit damage:
    151.5 (50.5 x3)
    13 effects
    22 acid burst + acid blast
    30 seeker (6 bloodstone +4kensai)
    14 acid blast 20

    Offhand crit damage:
    124.5 (41.5 x3)
    13 effects
    22 acid burst + acid blast
    30 seeker (6 bloodstone +4 kensai)
    14 acid blast 20

    (Mainhand + offhand)
    attacks 1-2:0 damage
    attacks 3-15: 63.5 + 54.5 = 118
    attacks 16-19: 216.5 + 189.5 = 406
    attack 20: 230.5 +203.5 = 434

    total hits: 13 x 118 = 1534
    total crits: 4 x 406 = 1624
    Crit on a 20: 1 x434 = 434

    average damage (1652 + 1624 + 434) /20 = 179.6

    2-weapon swing rate = 83

    83 x 185.5 /60 = 248.4 dps

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