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  1. #101
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    May 2008

    Default Reactives Dps

    Crushing wave (at least on weapons) is 5% for 3 ticks of cold/bludeon damage, not 35% for 1 tick.... i havent used wave guard, so i could be wrong here

    Being a dual-shard effect like lighting strike im guessing salt guard is also 2% for 4 ticks, again i could be wrong, as ive never actually used it...

    using these assumtions:
    1d8 = 4.5
    50% 1d4 = 1.25
    1d8 = 4.5
    1d4 = 2.5
    20% 2d8+8 = 3.4
    5% wave = 10.5
    2% lighting = 12
    2% dicintegrate = 10.5
    2% corrosive salt = 6.2

    total: 55.35 damage per hit

    Lets say.... while fighting aaretrikos for example... you might get hit... say 30 times per minute? more or less depending on how close you stand next to the tempest/kensai

    55.35 x 30 / 60 = 27.675 dps

    unfortunatle he is immune to 11.25 of that damage....
    so its more like 44.1 x 30 / 60 = 22.05 dps

  2. #102


    There we go, that's how we can "balance" against tempest.

    Give the mobs a reactive that reflects your damage back at you 8 pts per hit. Allow DR to absorb it.

    That will teach all those hasted alacrity TWF multi-attack monster builds a thing or two!

    And just to be safe...give Kensai 3/- DR per tier stackable. That should just about take care of everyone

    (yes, this was meant tongue-in-cheek...though technically it wouldnt be bad from a class balance perspective)...
    Looting's our business and business is good.
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  3. #103
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Deathseeker View Post
    There we go, that's how we can "balance" against tempest.

    Give the mobs a reactive that reflects your damage back at you 8 pts per hit. Allow DR to absorb it.

    That will teach all those hasted alacrity TWF multi-attack monster builds a thing or two!

    And just to be safe...give Kensai 3/- DR per tier stackable. That should just about take care of everyone

    (yes, this was meant tongue-in-cheek...though technically it wouldnt be bad from a class balance perspective)...
    Tempest Barb/WF FTW!

  4. #104
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    May 2008


    Well since this is bugging me now...
    Toughguyjoe's barb with full reactives vs tempest/kensai

    Reactives (no resistance): 55.35 x 3.1 swings per second = 171.6
    Reactives (with res/prot) 40.2 x 3.1 swings per second = 124.6

    Greataxe Barb with crit rage

    Strength: 18 +5 levels + 3 tome + 6item + 10 rage + 2 ragepot = 44

    10.5 GreatAxe
    5 weapon mod
    25 str mod
    8 warchanter
    1 prayer
    16 Power attack

    7 holy
    3.5 acid burst
    2.5 slicing

    Total hit: 78.5

    Crit damage:
    196.5 (65.5 x3)
    13 effects
    22 acid burst + acid blast
    18 seeker (6 bloodstone x5)
    249.5 crit
    14 (4d6 acid blast on a 20)
    263.5 crit 20

    attack 1: 0 damage
    attacks 2-16: 78.5
    attack 17-19: 249.5
    attack 20: 263.5

    total hits: 15x78.5 = 1177.5
    total crits: 3x249.5 = 748.5
    crit on a 20: 1x263.5 = 263.5

    average damage (1177.5 + 748.5 + 263.5) / 20 = 109.5

    Greataxe swing rate = 81 per minute

    81 x 109.5 /60 = 147.8 dps

    Offhand attacks occur on 3/5 swings and do about 50% damage
    3/5 * 50% = 30% additional dps from glancing blows

    147.8+ 30% = 192.2 dps with glancing blows

    Greataxe swing rate = 100 per minute

    100 x 109.5 /60 = 182.5 dps

    Offhand attacks occur on 1/3 swings and do about 50% damage
    1/3 * 50% = 17% additional dps from glancing blows

    183.1 + 17% = 213.5 dps with glancing blows


    Standing with resistances: Barb = 182.5 +124.6 = 307.1
    Moving with resistances: Barb = 213.5 + 124.6 = 338.1
    Moving with no resistances Barb = 213.5 + 171.6 = 385.1

    Tempest Kensai = 296.6
    Tempest Kensai moving (98 swing rate) = 312.6

    So... the barb does win....
    but its completely dependant on the tempest kensai also having 0 AC and one of the 2% guards going off....

    kinda sad that this barb with so much gear is actually that close in average dps....

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