....of these continued, useless threads of nothing but people complaining.
If you're fed up, go find another game to play.
****...wait...now I'm complaining about other people complaining. Drats.
....of these continued, useless threads of nothing but people complaining.
If you're fed up, go find another game to play.
****...wait...now I'm complaining about other people complaining. Drats.
I'm Back!Mekkah | Meccah | Admetus | Dystain | Tymplar | Rawkstar | Meckah | Dyspair | Vendytta | MekkaProud Officer / Co-Founder - Ashes of the Phoenix
Yeah..if you (and the rest of the apologists) dont have problems, then I assume that you arent getting kicked out of the game nightly or freezing up at the Pit Fiend. In that case, Im sure you have a great computer/computer knowledge and you dont have a problem with the game.
For the other 50% of the DDO population who DO experience this stuff on a daily basis, can we voice our concerns without you people telling us that "since I dont have a problem, you dont have a problem"?
It REALLY doesnt apply or make anything better.
My computer is far from perfect, but it isnt just my computer. Last night was laggy as hell....today there was unexpected downtime....neither of these events are "rare" at all anymore and my monthly fee is still being paid.
If you dont like it leave? Fine! But I DO like the game and just want to voice my concerns to the people who cash my subscription check every month.
If that isnt you or you uber buddies, then this isnt your conversation I guess!
I dont go onto handicapped forum threads and say "my legs work fine....you just need to relax"....well, because that would be idiotic.
Play True Neutral - Live Chaotic Good
Call me weird, but I kindof liked having the chat servers on Thelanis dieWe were in a Madstone elite and no one could communicate with anyone except by what we were doing. It was fun
. And one of the biggest challenges I've had in a while. Thankfully, everyone seemed to know what they were doing and we completed the quest with only one wipe (right by the second shrine, thankfully).
Pwesiela - Completionist Arcane Archer; Pia - Silver Flame Assassin; Aes - of the Blue Ajah; Insene - Deathpriest; Enaila - Aiel Bodyguard; Uduk - Dwarven Meatwall; Vitalien -Warder
Do I have a great computer? Yes. Do I have extensive technical knowledge? Indeed, as it's my career and I've been doing it for quite a while now.
I experience a lot of the same exact issues as the next person. What do you think a server-wide outage is? Exactly. Lag problems? We ALL experience it. Some just deal with it better than others. Do I feel that, as a paying subscriber, that any of us should have to deal with these same issues on a somewhat regular basis? Definitely not.
I think you simply missed my point, in that being that how many REPEATED threads do we need about people complaining about every little thing EVERY single time it happens to them? We all get the point. Turbine gets the point. Even your Grandmother understands.
Do I get frustrated? I do sometimes but understand that sometimes, these things happen. I have the utmost faith in Turbine that they will do everything in their power to eventually fix the issues we have. Will I leave DDO because of these issues? Not a chance. I pay my monthly fee just as you do so who are you to tell me that I can't voice my own personal opinion about the matter as well?
Perhaps I'm just an overall happier person than you are and don't complain about every intricate detail that's wrong in the Universe...
Lighten up. It's just a game. Surely you have a real life outside of DDO, don't you?
I'm Back!Mekkah | Meccah | Admetus | Dystain | Tymplar | Rawkstar | Meckah | Dyspair | Vendytta | MekkaProud Officer / Co-Founder - Ashes of the Phoenix
Hmmmm... I know the amount of lag can annoy some folks but if you haven't tried turning down your graphics card do it. I had to do it on my wifes laptop(wireless) and my dad inlaws(dsl) to have the game run smooth.
Thank you, Almarel, that may explain why I seem to not have as many problems as others. I keep my in game graphics settings on "Low" even though I can run them on "High" with few problems if any, granted I have not tried running the game very long on the High setting (not too crazy about the death effect).
I am not saying this is the issue I am just saying it is a POSSIBLE explanation.
Last edited by KLBen; 02-18-2009 at 07:19 PM.
I find this amusing.
Before every mod, this happens. You mean you never noticed? They are setting up for the new mod. They are probably placing stuff in the sandbox and twinking it. Now, I think they should have better equipment to handle this, ESEPCIALLY with a bonus weekend and that in the background. However, bad lag universally is Typical with all the mods, and have been here for two and on.
So I shrug. Instead of looking at the glass half full, I look at the fact that the mod is coming REAL SOON.
Then again, what do I know?
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...94#post2798094 LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...94#post2798094 LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
Khyber: Agynt Smyth, Agynte Smyth, Ajynt Smyth, Ajynte Smyth, Agyynt Smyth
Achiever 60.00%, Socializer 53.00%, Killer 47.00%, Explorer 40.00%
Intel Core i7 Quad, Intel X58 SLi, 6G Corsair XMS DDR3, Intel X-25 SSD, 3 WD Velociraptor SATA SuperTrak SAS EX8650 Array, OCZ 1250W PS, GTX 295, xFi, 32" 1080p LCD
Here, here to Deaval's comments the gameplay is %$#@ soemthing got be done..................
Last edited by SkunkMonger187; 03-10-2009 at 06:31 AM. Reason: **Ezcrvia**Mullah**Inzeldrin**Ezzay**
/signed even though I'm late on this one, the lag still remains
Thanks for the long time forum user purge of Aug '10 (Sarcasm for those who don't get it)
LOL how long have you been playing DDO? Not that I don't love the game, because I do, but the utmost faith in Turbine? I mean do you realize that we have had these lag issues FOREVER? Sorrowdusk Isle has ALWAYS been a laghole. Gianthold just seems to get worse with every update or maintenance. I mean there are issues that have been ongoing that still have not been handled.
Hubby and I have been playing since a few months after DDO first came out and these little lag issues and server downtime and getting stuck in load screens has been going on for as long as I can remember. And now there is the new one.... playing and having great time... wham your computer screen freezes and then the msg "your ddo client has stopped working and must close". This has been happening to many people I know with varying greatness of computers.
Not to burst your bubble. If you have faith in Turbine's ability and willingness to fix all this then great for you but just so you know I haven't seen any signs of that being well placed faith.
.............. seems nothing is safe .....................