I'm not talking about raid buffed AC here. I'm keeping it to self buffed. Have you forgotten what you wrote in the the OP?As proven this person clearly has missed the AC breakdown that we have posted atleast 4 times. Otherwise they would know this build can get alot more than 50ac. I will post the AC breakdown again so maybe this person can read it.
Let me remind you:
"The breakdown for the ac is 10base+ 6 dex bonus+8armour bonus+5 natural armour bonus+5 deflection bonus+4 dodge bonus+4misc bonus+8feat bonus for a total of 50. Max raid buffed is like 65, which would include using a 10 minute shield wand(this build can easily umd 10 min shield wands with a +34 to umd) for +4, +4 from bard song, +1 haste, a +pally aura, and cleric buffs."
It clearly says that you run into combat with 50 AC in CE and that your max raid buffed AC is like 65.
That is very low.
This is not the same Ac breakdown as in the OP; thus not your builds AC breakdown. It's a theoretical AC for pure dwarven rangers, but you don't reach it with your toon.Hey Seregon,
I thought I’d pass along a theoretical TWF AC breakdown for your build. This is all Mod 8 stuff. I went with Dragontouched leather only because you could get some item consolidation. If the Mod 9 combo items are awesome rings you may want to forgo the Chattering Ring in favor of a DT rune. The Kundarak Delving Suit could bring you up by 2 more but then you're stuck with the chattering ring. You have the UMD for the chaosguarde which could be another +2. However, I don't think you would want to give up the leviks braciers.
Mod 9: Add +2 for Tempest III, Subtract 4 for the lack of a Shield spell, +1 more from Max DEX (With +4 DEX Tome). (Net loss 1 AC)
And, as always, you can gain +4 AC by whipping out ye olde +5 Heavy Shield, +2 more/DR for Shield blocking, and +4 vs. Giants.
DEX: (26) 14 +2 Tome, +3 Ranger, +1 Exceptional (DT/Litany/Greensteel), +6 Item
10 - Base
08 - Armor (Dragontouched Leather)
08 - Max DEX (7 + Dwarven Armor Mastery I)
01 - Dodge Feat
02 - Tempest
05 - Combat Expertise
05 - Deflection (More than likely a Min II item)
04 - Insight (Weapon/DT Rune)
03 - Dodge Bonus (Chattering Ring/DT Rune)
01 - Ritual
47 - Standing around
05 - Barkskin
04 - Shield Clickie
03 - FE
59 - Incidentals
01 - Haste
02 - Recitation
05 - Aura
04 - Bard Song
71 - With a little help from your friends
Ranger DEX III
Dwarven Armor Mastery I
Sigh... Then explain to me how you could have had tempest as a prereq when you rolled the build when the cap was 10?PS: Yargore I'm directly telling you the building prerequisittes for this build are Pure class, strength based, dwarven, tempest ranger. I made this build, those are the prereqs that I used. Stop saying otherwise.
And also explain why the OP clearly states that you chose dwarf because you found it to be the most powerful race and pure becuase it was better than multiclassing?
Sorry, but your lie is busted. You lost. Get over it.
Again, read your own **** OP.
The bold and underline literally shows this person is unable to be reasoned with. No matter how many times anyone tells him that the parameters for making this build are Pure Class, Strength Based, Dwarven, Tempest, Ranger he still refuses to accept it, and advocates otherwise.
Again I will say it: the parameters for making this build are Pure Class, Strength Based, Dwarven, Tempest, Ranger
There are no such parameters mentioned in the OP. You said that you chose dwarf because it's best, and pure becuase it was best. You more or less say that you would multiclass if you knew it was better.
I have said this many times now, but you still haven't explained why you said that in the OP if the build had to be dwarf and pure to begin with.
I'm sorry, did you fail to comprehend what I wrote? Or were you just ignoring it to look stupid?
BS + vod goggles = a lot more dps MOST of the time
Litany + Mentau = VERY slightly more dps in RARE circumstances.
Did you really, really understand it now?
You're a fool if you didn't get the joke. Oh that's right, no news there.Originally Posted by Rhymer25
With the new AC breakdown your build is getting better. But you still have totally messed up skill points and amazingly LOW dps that doesn't even remotly justify mid-range AC.
Last edited by Absolute-Omniscience; 07-16-2009 at 09:17 AM.
Here is where I explain my reasons for going dwarf;
First lets talk about race. I chose dwarf for a few reasons, the most appealing part, in my opinion, is getting the dwarven war axe feat for free. I wanted my ranger to use dwarven war axes because they are arguably the top dps weapon in game, and pure rangers are low on feats so getting it for free is huge. Dwarves get huge bonuses to saves, +5 total, (+2 from 1 feat called spell saves bonus) and (+3 from enhancements called dwarven spell defense). Also, not so important anymore because all races have some form of racial toughness, but dwarves can go all the way getting a +40 total to hit points from enhancements called dwarven racial toughness. Another solid reason is dwarves get +4 balance from a racial feat, which I viewed as helpful because it stacks, and besides umd, balance is one of the best skills in game, if your on your back you cant do anything. They get giant evasion (racial feat) which gives a +4 bonus to ac against all giants. Being a dwarf will also give +2 to-hit with axes if you get both ranks of dwarven axe attack. You can also get dwarven axe damage, I only went 1 rank into it. You can also get +2 to constitution from 2 ranks of dwarven constitution, and if you want to get the fourth rank of dwarven racial toughness, you need both ranks of dwarven constitution. I took both ranks to open up the last dwarven toughness. That about sums up the benefit of being a dwarf. If I was going to choose any other race for a str-based tempest, pure ranger I would have definetly gone warforged because of the added immunities, such as being immune to exhaustion which quite a few bosses spam. Another reason though besides all the ones listed above I wanted to be a dwarf is because I ended up buffing my cure serious wounds to be able to CSW for between 120(avg non-crit)-325(highest crit)
here is where I explain my reasons for staying pure
My reasons for staying pure; I did not want to multi-class for a few reasons(and I assure you, liking or disliking the MC system did not play a part in my decisions what so ever. My decisions were entirely based on creating the most powerful character that I could), first are foremost, I did not want to miss any up and coming ranger feats/enhancements that required high levels of ranger. Here are the reasons, starting with the level cap of 10 of why I wanted to stay pure(which can help you if you don't want to stay pure because you see what you can, and can not live without).
When the Cap was 10 I stayed pure ranger because I wanted evasion(9), the third Favored enemy(10), and the +2 stacking to all FE that came with it and I wanted to be able to memorize 2 level 2 spells. I also did not want to miss anything up and coming to the ranger class post level 10.
When the Cap was increased to 12, I continued to stay pure because I wanted greater twf (11), precise shot, and improved precise shot(11). I wanted to get my third level spells at lvl 11 and I wanted to be able to memorize 2 level 3 spells which required level 12. I also did want to miss anything up and coming to the ranger class post level 12.
When the Cap was increased to 14, I again stayed pure because I wanted my level 4 spells,(mainly CSW and FoM) and I knew another FE was coming at lvl 15, which I also wanted because each time you gain a favored enemy you also gain a stacking +2 damage to all favored enemies. I also did not want to miss anything up and coming to the ranger class.
When the Cap was increased to level 16, of course I again stayed pure. I did this to get my 4th FE(15), which also gives another stacking +2 damage against all FE, and so I could memorize 2, fourth level spells(15).
Level 16, and the gear that came with it, represented a paradigm shift in DDO for me, It was the first time my pure class build was finally as powerful, if not more powerful than almost every multiclassed melee build(in terms of dps, skills umd included, hp, AC, and saves). This was so incredibly important for me as a player, because I finally felt that the need to MC was no longer there. Now that I longer needed multi-classed levels(I will go into why this build doesn't need a few of the most popular splash choices in the paragraph below), the fact that rangers have been gaining steady increases in power since level 10, tempest III, and the capstone, for this build, the choice that would create the most powerful character in the long run, was clearly staying pure. That is the best part about this build, you will never need to reroll because your going to miss anything that the ranger class has to offer.
So as you must have missed, I clearly explain my choices for staying pure and for choosing dwarf.
Here is your first clue, the title itself Torthur Hareft; str based pure ranger
Here is your second, where I state my point of view, am writing this guide from the point of the view of a dwarven, tempest, strength based pure class ranger.
Here is where I state the build will stay pure, The character will stay pure only ever taking ranger levels.
Lastly where is my conclusion, In conclusion, this build is a pure ranger, of the dwarven race, tempest,
It very clearly is a post about Pure Class, Dwarven, Strength Based, Tempest Rangers.
Now you're lying again.
Lets take a look:
You don't have favored defense 3 in your enhancements, nor do you have dwarven armor mastery.
Neither do you mention anything about an AC ritual on your armor.
Here is your a breakdown(not raid buffed): "The breakdown for the ac is 10base+ 6 dex bonus+8armour bonus+5 natural armour bonus+5 deflection bonus+4 dodge bonus+4misc bonus+8feat bonus for a total of 50."
That 50 AC is what you called high.
More lies from you.
Here is what you said in the OP:
Tempest was not released until mod 6, when the AC capped was increased to 16.When the Cap was 10 I stayed pure ranger because I wanted evasion(9), the third Favored enemy(10), and the +2 stacking to all FE that came with it and I wanted to be able to memorize 2 level 2 spells. I also did not want to miss anything up and coming to the ranger class post level 10.
When the Cap was increased to 12, I continued to stay pure because I wanted greater twf (11), precise shot, and improved precise shot(11). I wanted to get my third level spells at lvl 11 and I wanted to be able to memorize 2 level 3 spells which required level 12. I also did want to miss anything up and coming to the ranger class post level 12.
When the Cap was increased to 14, I again stayed pure because I wanted my level 4 spells,(mainly CSW and FoM) and I knew another FE was coming at lvl 15, which I also wanted because each time you gain a favored enemy you also gain a stacking +2 damage to all favored enemies. I also did not want to miss anything up and coming to the ranger class.
It shows that your so called prereqs for making the build are false and made up afterwards only to defend your build.
You also said this about MC:
Lol, that the build is more powerful than other builds doesn' really say anything. Sure, it's more powerful than a Wf sorc with 18 dex and 18 int.My reasons for staying pure; I did not want to multi-class for a few reasons(and I assure you, liking or disliking the MC system did not play a part in my decisions what so ever. My decisions were entirely based on creating the most powerful character that I could)
It's a weak build. Splash monk, go human and take khopesh and you will end up being better in every aspect.
I keep proving you wrong in every post. But you just keep lying and avoiding my arguments.
Last edited by Yargore; 07-16-2009 at 09:35 AM.
This part says that you're making it because you think it's the best.Originally Posted by Sergaon
Here you're litteraly saying that you went PURE because you thought it to be best.Originally Posted by Seragon
And here's when you're saying that you still think it's the best.Originally Posted by Seragon
By all means you can have any pre-reqs you want for all I care, but reading your OP you strongly indicate that you did this for the sole reason of being the best. And it would appear that now you are using the title to defend a character proven gimped compared to MCs.
[QUOTE=Absolute-Omniscience;2305623]I'm sorry, did you fail to comprehend what I wrote? Or were you just ignoring it to look stupid?
BS + vod goggles = a lot more dps MOST of the time
Litany + Mentau = VERY slightly more dps in RARE circumstances.
Did you really, really understand it now?
You're a fool if you didn't get the joke. Oh that's right, no news there.
With the new AC breakdown your build is getting better. But you still have totally messed up skill points and amazingly LOW dps that doesn't even remotly justify mid-range AC.[/QUOTE]
My AC has never gotten better, your understanding is what has gotten better. My AC has been the same the whole time, you just refused to recognize it. Atleast we were able to prove to you that my AC is not low, I guess that in and of itself is a small victory.
I do not have low dps, I hit for between 50-202 every swing. Also because my self buffed to-hit is a +35, and my raid buffed to-hit is a +50, I pretty much always hit unless I roll a 1, which is a big thing to take into account for damage calculations. I see alot of calculations that figure the person hits 95% of the time, well if you want to hit anywhere near as close to that you need atleast a self buffed to-hit of a 35.
Lastly the only skill I would loose that I currently have is Search, and in its place I would pick up concentration. In fact when the cap goes to 20, I will put 1 point into balance, 1 point into UMD and 5 points per level into concentration.
Last edited by Seregon; 07-16-2009 at 09:19 AM.
Yes, you explained it. And it was not because of some prereq you had when making the build.
You went pure and dwarf because you thought it was the best way to go.
And?Here is your first clue, the title itself Torthur Hareft; str based pure ranger
Here is your second, where I state my point of view, am writing this guide from the point of the view of a dwarven, tempest, strength based pure class ranger.
Here is where I state the build will stay pure, The character will stay pure only ever taking ranger levels.
Lastly where is my conclusion, In conclusion, this build is a pure ranger, of the dwarven race, tempest,
It very clearly is a post about Pure Class, Dwarven, Strength Based, Tempest Rangers.
You summarised your desicions. My point still remains, you chose dwarf and pure because you thought it was best, you didn't set out to make a dwaven pure ranger for some RP reasons or flavor.
There was no prereqs for you when you made the build. If human and sorc splash would have been better you would have gone with that. You clearly state that in the OP.
It was 50 self buffed before, and now it's 59, how can you not call that an improvement? Are you that daft?
As I said, the AC is still in the mid-range, that can only be justified on a pure dps build. So in terms of DPS, it's still very low.
You have no clue about dps. Play a dps character and you will understand what I mean; until then know that rogues hit for 100+, and "good" rangers have 4 more strength than you, 3 more FE enhancements and 5 more from pa = 10 more per weapon = 30 more per crit. Oh, and not exactly consistent to first post your dmg per swing with bard buffs (perfect crit I might add, in reality you do 50-160 with bard), and then post your selfbuffed to hit, to make it look like you hit 50-200 without bard. But I know, I know exactly how much damage you are capable of dealing.
35 to hit isn't high, any dps character reaches that.
Good, take concentration. And I would swap your stats as well, too **** high int and wisdom.
Last edited by Absolute-Omniscience; 07-16-2009 at 09:34 AM.
[QUOTE=Yargore;2305632]Now you're lying again.
Lets take a look:
You don't have favored defense 3 in your enhancements, nor do you have dwarven armor mastery.You are reading the AC breakdown wrong.
Neither do you mention anything about an AC ritual on your armor.here is where I show that I have rituala on my armour Armour: Dragontouched Leather Greater false life, protection +5 and destruction, +1 dodge AC.
Here is your a breakdown(not raid buffed): "The breakdown for the ac is 10base+ 6 dex bonus+8armour bonus+5 natural armour bonus+5 deflection bonus+4 dodge bonus+4misc bonus+8feat bonus for a total of 50."
That 50 AC is what you called high.50AC is fine if your wearing a perma blur item and a perma dr5- item.
More lies from you.I have never lied in this post, only told the truth. You have lied and changed your opinion countless times, and even admit to it
Here is what you said in the OP:
Tempest was not released until mod 6, when the AC capped was increased to 16.
It shows that your so called prereqs for making the build are false and made up afterwards only to defend your build.No I built this character planning on a making a pure class, str based, dwarven, tempest, ranger, and I built it last march.
You also said this about MC:
Lol, that the build is more powerful than other builds doesn' really say anything. Sure, it's more powerful than a Wf sorc with 18 dex and 18 int.
It's a weak build. Splash monk, go human and take khopesh and you will end up being better in every aspect.CLEARLY YOU STILL DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS THREAD IS ABOUT A PURE CLASS, STRENGTH BASED, DWARVEN RANGER.
You still have yet to prove wrong, yet every post of yours is easily disproven. Atleast I use valid and sound reasons when proving you wrong.
I don't know why you would accuse of me lying about making this character after tempest came out. I made this character last year in march. I did and there are tons of people that can vouche for it. I came back after like a 2 year break, saw tempest was out and decided to start playing DDO again. I posted the reasons for staying pure after I made the guide because a few people asked why I would want to stay pure and I felt my listed explanations were a good idea. I dont know why you take such offense to this build. I posted it because there was a new demand for pure class characters due to capstones being released. The reason why I was so detailed is because I recognize that people want to play characters differently, so by showing the route I went, others can make more educated decisions about the path they want their character to take. I could care less how anyone builds a character, and I posted this to help others make the most educated choice I can. You and Absolute Omniscience are just jealous that people are coming to my thread to ask for advice from me, and not you. You guys are so jealous you have to post 10 pages of off-topic garbage just to get the least little attention.
I keep proving you wrong in every post. But you just keep lying and avoiding my arguments.
You make blanket statements without stating the full results. For instance 'good rangers have 4 more strength than you, 3 more FE enhancements, and 5 more from pa'
Literally to get anything higher on my build I have to loose something else. So that ranger may have 4 more strength than me, but he definetly is not as good as me in a different area. The points for 4 more strength had to come from somewhere. My build has an excellent syngery between, mid-high AC, good dps, and amazing self healing. Also with the torc and a conc opp item I fully regen my mana completly so no one else ever has to heal me.'
I thought it was funny when you said 'rogues hit for 100+'.... why would that impress me when I already hit for 50-200 damage? And yes, 50-200 damage is self buffed.
Yea concentration ftw. I partially agree on Int, but I needed atleast 13 for combat expertise, so I could really only drop it 3 points, but then Im at an odd number, so might as well bump it 1 point to get 1 more skill point per level. The wisdom I disagree on, for this build, you are lacking item slots, and to get every item buff that is desirable you need to combine items. This is part of the reason why I wear DT, and the DQ belt, they combine items to give me more slots. So I do not have a readily available slot for a wisdom item. However I have started to wear my conc opp bracers as my main and that has +6 wisdom so if need be the wisdom item can be figured in there. But then if your wisdom gets debuffed(abbot debuff for instance) you wont be able to cast CSW even with an item on. I prefer to have wisdom high enough that you do need an item because I am a self healing build, and I like to always be able to heal myself to full quickly.
Last edited by Seregon; 07-16-2009 at 09:57 AM.
Or they could expect people to post constructive feedback. Without little barbs thrown in. Like calling him a gimp, telling him to reroll, ect.
While your DPS isn't low, it could be higher. Thats all they're trying to say (in their own way). You're using a +4 str item (though you have very valid reasons for it) you don't have all the axes enhancements nor the favored enemy ones, you don't have power attack, and you use an axe with acid good blast (which is better dps vs spiders and mephits? not exactly difficult enemies)
YES THERE WERE PREREQS, THEY WERE PURE CLASS, STRENGTH BASED, DWARVEN RANGERThe reason I decided on those prereqs before creation was because prior to making Torthur Hareft, I had(for rangers) Valandil Seregon, my first char that I got my 32pt build with who was a dex based elf, and Angrim Hareft who has a strength based dwarf, I decided that I liked the high damage of the dwarven axes, the high hps, and highers saves of the dwarf than the ranged combat of the elf but had made a few mistakes on Angrim, and wanted to get tempest without have to respec so I rerolled angrim, a dwarven, str based pure class ranger, in order to get tempest. There you go, my actual reason.
Haha, no I'm not.
Let me show you:
"08 - Max DEX (7 + Dwarven Armor Mastery I)"
"03 - FE"
You don't have Dwarven Armor mastery I, and you don't have FE defense III. Stop lying please.
No, it's not. If you had a MC you could have had 70 AC with perma blur and 5 dr/-.
If you had higher DPS 50 AC would be justified, but in CE, no.
You have lied many times.
Then explain why the choise of staying pure was entierly based on getting as powerful as possible?
Yes, it's about a pure dwarf, but you still stated that your choiced were made to get an as powerful character as possible. So talkig about monk splash and humans is 100% accurate in this thread.
Lying and ignoring my arguments is not how you disprove a post.
Sigh.. Then you lied in the OP. You are saying how you chose to stay pure when the cap was 10, 12, and 14.I don't know why you would accuse of me lying about making this character after tempest came out. I made this character last year in march. I did and there are tons of people that can vouche for it. I came back after like a 2 year break, saw tempest was out and decided to start playing DDO again.
If you rolled the toon long after the cap was 16, then you must have lied in the OP.
Take a look at my build, I have listed what I lose compared to yours, and it aint much that matters. The one I posted is clearly superior.
Rogues hit for 100+ without crit I might add.
No, you do NOT hit for 200 damage without bard, I repeat you do NOT hit for 200 damage without bard. And to show you the proof:
Average crit with BARD; 164, main hand.
In reality you deal less damage than that calc, as he didn't know back then that you use a freakin hand axe in your offhand.
On the other hand, you do infact deal more than 50 in main hand, I admit. But doing 52 damage main hand with ALL weapon effects is hardly good in any way.
Counting in off hand you are dealing damage in a span of:
Counting in ALL weapon effects.
Odd number +1 tome works.
Wisdom comes with conc opp item anyways.
Abbot is the only place where that I can think of where you drop stats that you can't easily cure.'
Drop int by 3 = 3 points
drop cha by 2 = 2 point
Up STR to 17 = 5 points
= 1 more strength mod for the loss of 1 umd. I hardly call losing worthless skills like the ones you've taken a loss.
I would ofcourse drop wisdom more, but you can keep that if you really want.
Last edited by Absolute-Omniscience; 07-16-2009 at 10:29 AM.