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Class: Ranger 16
Race: Dwarf
Allignment: Neutral
Base Stats:
Str 17
Dex 16
Con 16
Int 11
Wis 8
Cha 6
Ending Stats:
Str 32 (17 base + 6 item + 3 tome + 4 levels +2 Rams might)
Dex 26 (16 base + 3 tome + 6 item + 1 enhancements)
Con 24 (16 base + 2 tome + 6 item)
Int 13 (11 base + 2 tome)
Wis 16 (8 base + 6 item + 2 tome)
Cha 14 (6 base + 6 (UMD) +2 tome)
+2 Int tome as soon as possible, for skills points and CE.
Obviously not all of the tomes will be needed, they are just there so the viewer knows what will be there in the end.
Enhancements at level 16
Enhancement: Ranger Sprint Boost I
Enhancement: Ranger skill boost II
Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Attack II
Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage II
Enhancement: Dwarven Spell Defense II
Enhancement: Dwarven armor master I
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Attack II
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage IV
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Defense III
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Resistance I
Enhancement: Ranger Tempest I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Ranger energy of the wilds I
Enhancement: Ranger Devotion IV
Enhancement: Ranger Dexterity I
Final AC Breakdown:
10 Base
8 dex
8 DT breastplate
2 chaosgarde
5 deflection
1 Dodge
3 Chattering Ring
4 insight
1 Ritual
2 tempest
3 Favored
(5 CE)
47 (52) - unbuffed
5 barkskin
1 haste
4 shield wand
57(62) - self buffed
5 aura
4 bard song
66 (71) with party buffs
Saves Unbuffed at level 20
Fortitude: 27(28) (10 Levels +5 res +7 con +1 save ritual +4 vs spells +1 vs favored)
Reflex: 29(30) (10 Levels +5 res +8 dex +1 save ritual +4 vs spells +1 vs favored)
Will: 18(19) (5 Levels +5 res +3 wisdom +1 save ritual +4 vs spells +1 vs favored)
Saves Self Buffed at level 20
Fortitude: 31(32) (27 + 4 GH)
Reflex: 34(35) (29 + 4 GH + 1 haste)
Will: 22(23) (18 + 4 GH)
Hit Points at level 20
128 Ranger levels
20 Heroic Durability
112 Con
30 GFL
10 Favor
35 Shroud item
18 Minos
20 enhancements
6.Spring attack
9.Power attack
12.Improved critical Slashing (CE after mineral II)
15.Maximize / empower healing
Evil outsiders
The most commonly faced raid boss(evil outsiders) combined 3 uncrittable monster types.
UMD in UMD mode
9 ranks
6 shroud item
3 charisma
5 seven fingered gloves
4 gh
2 head
3 skill boost
Max concentration, balance, jump, umd and tumble, spot and some other skill that one can justify.
Weapon: Mineral II DA, Insight
Offhand: Mineral II DA, blast
Head: Minos
Goggles: Tharnes
Armor: Dragontouched leather armor with +5 res, Healing Amplification 20% and Destruction
Bracers: Chaosgarde
Gloves: 10 hp, +6 wisdom, +5 cha skills, 150 sp, conc opp.
Ring: chattering ring
Ring: Tumbleweed
Boots: Free to use for any boosts like dragon, fire greaves, etc.
Belt: +6 str +gfl. Belt of brute str.
Cloak: 35 hp, +5 prot, heavy fort, wizardy VI, +1 cha skills
Necklace: +6 con
Trinket: Bloodstone
One can take the mineral II cloak to boots and use a blur cloak if one really loves gimping ones character.
+20% more healing amp = better selfhealing Great bonus to the already great selfhealing.
+8 more ac with combat expertise 3 more with PA vs Torthur in CE. Makes all the difference in the world
+31% more dps (+4 str, +1 DA enhancement +5 pa +3 FE dmg, bloodstone, dual DA, better weapons, ) Makes all the difference in the world
+Free boots slot for anything one can need.
+1 more conc opp Pretty good.
+1 ref save
+2 will save Makes quite a difference as the will save isn't that great.
-20% perma blur (You can wand it easily anyways)
-10 less hp.
-22 sr
-perma disease immunity
-Lesser good guard (Nothing worth mentioning)
-3 UMD (The difference is nought without boost, then it's mere 1)
-5perma dr (Stoneskin for 10dr anyways, with my 0ac rogue I manage to do Coal chamber with 3 charges of Stoneskin solo, renewing it very seldom. And in ritual sacrifice it only took me 4 charges as main "meleer".)
This is how you should post your builds, not like the cluster-**** you have posted. Took me ages to compare em really and probably missed a lot as your layout is unreadable.
This is a gimp. But much less of one compared to Torthur. Do not roll it unless for flavor, and only for flavor.