These are a few things that i have for trade. Looking for large ingredients mostly but also looking for...
firestorm grieves
tele mask
wops (who isnt)
you know the basics lol.

What i got:
striding ring of bulls strenth rr elf lvl 13, 3 clicks 25%---- 1 large
under water action necklace of protect +3 lvl 11----1 large
dusk heart
ring of feathers (multiples)
proof vs. poison ring of heavy fort----1 large
+5 mithral full plate-----1 scale and one other
+4 vorpal bastard sword lvl 16------2 larges
sunblade x2
+1 Ghost touch rapier of smiting rr warforged lvl 10 (serious offers only)
scourge choker (starting bid of 2 of Each large)
belt of seven ideals
contact via pm
will post more when i have some. if it doesnt say what i'm looking for make an offer.
