More info, I just annonced ingame that my husband's toon just logged off, about 1/2 an hour after he did! Still cannot mail anything to his toons though
And I cannot pick up any mail at this time.
More info, I just annonced ingame that my husband's toon just logged off, about 1/2 an hour after he did! Still cannot mail anything to his toons though
And I cannot pick up any mail at this time.
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
Don't know what ya did but i was able to get in now thx
For those about to die no ham for you lying down while we fight (May a kolbold lick your face!)
Is anyone still having problems logging in?
Its not just Thelanis that's sick... The login server itself is having isues, it took, 30 seconds to connect, then when I enterd my ID/password it took until try 4 before it recognized me and loaded me in.
I am stuck on the log in screen in between selecting Thelanis and getting to my character selection screen. I do not even get the option of logging onto my other toons. From what I have gathered that is the problem everyone seems to be having. Stuck on the part that says "cleaning up old connection." I have had this same problem for about 2 hours now.
Xoriat Born
Pixa 20 rogue, Healza 20 Cleric, Biteza 20 tempest ranger, Casstza 12 sorc, Singza 20 bard, Kickza 13 barb, Nodda 8 fvs
stuck in loading screen while palying, alt-f4'ed and tried to log back in. got "cleaning up old connection 0.01kb" message and cant log back in. im playing on thelanis.
Welcome to DDO guys! Home of lag, lag, half a dozen dragons, and more lag!
If you're a glutton for lag then this must be heaven!
Also, stuck cleaning up old connection after alt-f4ing during a 5 minute load screen.
Originally Posted by Combat Log
Having trouble logging in again. Stuck on Cleaning Up Old Connections 12:36am (CST)
Thelanis - Proud Officer of Archangels:
ALTS: Mysteeria, Larawynn, Ketanna, Sandia, Serawynn, Valkeira, Galewynn, Velarawynn,
Keeriea, DiAndri, Celarawynn, Intimiwynn & Kerirawynn
I am also having the cleaning up old connection problem...and I have not been able to log in.
Still seeing the problem...
I am in a party with a few people that just got stuck in a loading screen while zoning from one area to the next. We also can't zone into the instance of the Erie Forest either. Nothing happens when you double click the portal. i am guessing on ehas something to do with the other.
Last edited by The Ick; 02-15-2009 at 02:14 AM.
Still cant log in my other account. Heading to bed hoping this issue is finished in the morning.
Xoriat Born
Pixa 20 rogue, Healza 20 Cleric, Biteza 20 tempest ranger, Casstza 12 sorc, Singza 20 bard, Kickza 13 barb, Nodda 8 fvs
Still unable to log in. Any news on when this will be resolved?
I was in a guild group about an hour ago in Aussircaex's Valley that just finished out of a Prey run. When we tried to recall back to the Reaver's refuge, 5 of the party got caught in a load screen; the 6th one had disconnected. After waiting about 3-4 minutes in the load screen, I did a /logout. Unfortunately, it didn't log me out, and after a couple of tires, I hit the little X in the upper right corner of the screen with the idea of logging back in to see if that cleared it.
When logging back in, I got the "Cleaning Up Old Connection" message on the Mod 8 splash screen. Again, after trying to log in several times, I tried logging into my other two accounts with much success. I tried logging back into the original account again, but still no avail. Finally, I logged into one of the other accounts and checked the guild page and found the others that were in the party, as well as the avatar I was on in that party were/are still showing as on-line. After a little more checking, I was able to verify that the rest of the group had also done variations of closing their clients and can no longer get in.
I submitted an in-game ticket; I hope I can log back in on that account tomorrow while there's still some loot and XP left to get.
Perryc/Pyxie/Aerryc/Gjornn and a 'few' others. Xoriat forged and Officer of Archangels.
"An amatuer tries until he gets it right, a professional tries until he can't get it wrong."
"When all else fails, immortality is ensured by spectacular failure."
Not sure if it will help, but I was also recalling out of Aussireax's Valley when I got stuck in a loading screen. I obviously wasn't in your group. Maybe this will help the dev's get us back into game! *not holding my breath*
Thelanis server - loading into everful flaggon with my sorc Excite. got stuck - tried rebooting - still nothing.
How do I get a refund for my charges this month????