The only one of my girls and thats including 3 or 4 clerics now to have 1750 favor is my 28 pt elf wizard Kalari who has close to 1900 favor now I think my level 16 cleric has about 1500 favor and shes the one who gets dragged about the most but its a lot of repeat quests. With Kalari I always try new things with her and will go on quests others deem unworthy of the time. And thats another quick way to get to 1750 there are groups who do the suboptimal quests and some even do them at the level required on all levels. They go by names like dungeon crawlers and the like but they know some of the more unrun quest like the back of their hands and while exp may suck for them it does get ya favor.
And once again I noticed with Kal that not caring about unlocking 32 point builds tended to get me to 1750 without notice. Im permanently stuck in pnp mentality where I do not believe stat points makes the character its how you make your character worthy to the party your in.