Ive seen alot of very intelligent posts in this thread- on boths sides of the argument.
I tried to articulate why I thought openignup 32pt builds initially wasnt a good idea, but probably didnt do a great job.
After who knows how many pages, I can see the point that Deadz has about new players feeling like they start out limited but I really dont see a fair solution to everyone- new players and old.
I truly feel that there is VALUE to having to acquire 1750 favor...but the way that it is frequently done defeats that purpose...zerging through a quest with someone far above your level who opened it on elite doesnt help new players learn how to PLAY their characters well.
I still feel that the idea that a 28pt character is somehow useless is WRONG. People say that new players look at the forums and the builds on here and get the idea that the standard is 32 pt builds. I dont agree with that. The builds on the forums are uber elite builds....multiple +2 and or +3 tomes, multiple Shroud items, raid loot galore....opening 32 pt builds at outset isnt going to let a player build those characters....grinding is where those builds come from.
Hells Bells, I have 32 pt favor on multiple servers and I wont even try alot of those builds because they all call for stuff there is no freaking way Im going to farm forever to get just to have a +42 to hit vs a +40 or 2300 sp vs 2200 sp.
In the end, I always come back to this...if that +1 really matters all that much to you when person after person has said that functionally it doesnt make a difference even at endgame, you are the kind of person who will grind forever to get that chattering ring, etc etc so how is asking you to play the game and do the quests that onerous?
I havent played another MMO beyond entry levels of a few (got bored with the go here kill 10 cats, bring me their tails), but I wouldnt expect to start a MMO as a new player and immediately get all the perks that players who've been playing for 3 years have acquired.
I would expect to have to level my character and do all those beginning quests that they had to do when they started.
I would expect the vets to be more powerful and have better weapons etc. And honestly, if in said new game, I was told that after I had experienced a significant portion of the game experience and completed specific challenges I would get access to a more powerful race (Drow) or eventually more powerful versions of the core races, I would look at that as a prize...not a handicap that I didnt get to start out there.
But I'm all about playing and having fun...now about having the biggest....well you get the picture