Anyone else having problems sending mail on Khyber? I've been trying to mail stuff to my Mule, but nothing's happening. Even took the chance of logging off and back in - nothing.
Anyone else having problems sending mail on Khyber? I've been trying to mail stuff to my Mule, but nothing's happening. Even took the chance of logging off and back in - nothing.
I cannot send email nor receive it.
Sending an attachment doesn't budge, nor can I pull attachments from my mail.
Last edited by perplexious; 02-12-2009 at 10:53 PM. Reason: lol obvious error
__________________________________________________ ___________________
*Swiftus*Swervificus*Phokkus*Healshoppe*Pwnlee*Pra esidius*Brutisto*
Officer:Band of Skull Guild @ Khyber "I'm your huckleberry" ~ Doc Holiday - Tombstone