Wonders about Turbines Staff Meetings.
"Well we have worked out a number of lag issues"
"Okay, that sounds great but how will we know they have been fixed and what else needs to be worked on"
"Well if we get a large number of users on the servers we can check out how the infastructure holds up under the stress."
"Sounds great, so how do we get a large number of users on the servers, far more than usual?"
"How about a +1 Loot AND 25% bonus XP Weekend."
"If we spread it out over a couple of days we can watch the build up"
"You mean like start on Thursday and go to Monday?"
"Yeah, if the servers have issues Thursday we can hot fix Friday and still be ready for the weekend."
"Well do it man."
So that is how all of you became involved in Turbines new QA team.