Hi all,
I have:
2 large bone
Looking for either of these large ingredient:
I only want 1-1 trade. PM me if interested!
Hi all,
I have:
2 large bone
Looking for either of these large ingredient:
I only want 1-1 trade. PM me if interested!
Last edited by Myrdinn; 02-12-2009 at 12:11 AM.
Xalekk - 18pal/2rog Xalek - 18barb/2rog
Xalekia - 18Rng/1Mnk/1Rog Alekian - 12wiz/6mnk/2ftr
Cynvan - 18Clr/2Mnk Aleathiel - 20 sorc
the arrowhead might get you a 1-1 for chain or shrapnel, but the bones are not going to get you much, and as far as scales and stones go, 1-1 is not going to fly, but then again you might get lucky.
Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
Proud Member of Ascent
Arko Highstar
Arckos Highstar
I will take the Arrowhead and a bone.
I will be on later tonight, if I can't find you who should I send them to?