I'm sure it's been asked before. But after spending over 2 years playing other toons, I finally started playing clerics.
It was a rude awakening.
So I'm sorry if I'm bringing up points that have been stated before, but since it hasn't been addressed in the 3 years + of the game perhaps it's not bad that it gets brought up again.
I don't believe I've had enough mana to heal the party during an adventure since lvl 1. Maybe 2 at the most.
From that point on, a cleric must rely on wands.
As the levels go on, a cleric finds that wands are way too slow, so it becomes a scroll game. Which are incredibly over priced if the only way to get through a mission is to use them, and not just spell points.
Clerics have to soak up 90% of adventuring costs. If you are playing in pick up groups, that means you will likely be unable to be an effective cleric.
I challenge a dev to try to heal a party in any mission over lvl 10 (random pick up group, not tweeked out) and not have to rely on scrolls or wands. Just the spell points you get as a cleric.
I just think it is ridicules that a cleric doesn't have enough spell points to be able to heal a party through a mission that is level equivalent . I don't think it's over powering to give clerics the spell points of a sorc. Perhaps even more.
Why make clerics take 90% of the brunt of trying to have a money sink in a game? (yes the AH is another one, but as far as players, Clerics are singled out as a class as a money sink.)
-thanks for reading.