According to Tolero; The forums will also be getting a change up on Monday. Be on the look out for new forums opening, like the new Builds forum, Gameplay forums, and Screenshot forum "Visions of Eberron"!
I Like this but want something more from our community; A rating system to help clear up and distinguish The Good, The Bad and The Fugly. It would go something like this:
By Class
- Fighter
- Ranger
- Barbarian
- Sorcerer
- Wizard
- Bard
- Cleric
- Monk
- Paladin
- Multi-class
or could be
By Specialty
- Group Play / Soloist
- Intimitank
- AC
- Etc.
I came up with 6 areas to rate, but want feedback if there are other areas more important:
- Ability to Draw Agro
- Ability to Buff
- Ability to Heal
- Ability to Take / Avoid Damage
- Ability to Kill / incapacitate Mobs
- Ability to Kill Red/ Purple Named Bosses
A point system 1 - 4
1 = Not very good
2 = Good
3 = Very Good
4 = The Best
Since this is subjective and open to interpretation, 1-4 should have a value. For example;
Ability to draw agro
4-Intimidate 60+
3-Area of effect spells,Intimidate 59-40, WF Enh, Pal, Mod 8 Enh
2-Intimidate 39-
1-No Intimidate
I hope this gives you a general idea. Again I'm suggesting this to help clear out the clutter, but as a bonus we could also end up with a top 10 in each class, voted on by the community, but with the rating system above designed by the community for practical judging purposses. Any thoughts let me know?