If you were refering to my comment in any sort of way, I would like to point out that I was pointing out the obvious.
Let me list this:
That is taken from the website. It clearly states what operating System the game is designed to run on. I understand the game should work fine on Vista, and I am sure some are even playing it on Vista. However, you can't run around saying you're going to sue a company for not supporting something that they clearly point out is something that isn't supported by the software.Processor: P4 1.6 GHz or AMD equivalent with SSE
Memory512 MB RAM
GraphicsCard 64 MB Hardware T&L -compatible video card
NetworkConnection 56.6 K modem
SoftwareWindows XP, DIrectX 9
DiscSpace 3GB, 5GB for high resolution
Recommended System Requirements:
Processor P4 3.0GHz or AMD equivalent with SSE
Memory 1GB RAM
Graphics Card GeForce FX or better with 128MB of memory
Network Connection Cable Modem or DSL connection
Software Windows XP, DirectX 9
Disc Space 3GB 5GB for high resolution
EDIT: I would also suggest taking down (edit the post) all of your system information. I trust this community, but it might be easy to get something from that information that would allow someone to exploit your system. Thats my helpful hint. Good luck mate.