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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default UK to US problem

    I had the UK version installed. Uninstalled it and recently installed the US version.

    Launcher hangs on examining game data, it's clearly a conflict between the two versions (I found someone else who had the same issue - he solved it by installing on a second PC, which isn't an option here.. and really wasn't even a solution to the problem).

    I've uninstalled both version atm and manually removed the registry entries and all related folders to the UK and US versions, hoping for a clean install entirely; but I probably missed whatever it is that's causing the conflict.

    Advice? Information?

    I'll let you know if I resolve it on this install.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Fixed

    So my plan worked.

    Im not sure if it was data files or registries that was the problem, but I found about 3 folders of DDO related stuff that i deleted (settings files) and 2 registry entries... but I wont post how to delete registry entries because i dont want someone screwing themselves because they dont know what they're doing

    Still if you have this problem, that's the solution.

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