Quote Originally Posted by krud View Post
I like how you've completely optimized the rgr/mnk and left the others at the average.
How? I did set some conditions, but that is about it.

All builds are optimized for great AC without dipping into gimpitude.
Quote Originally Posted by krud View Post
Why they heck would an intimitank NOT be in his stance when intimidating?
Multiple possibilities, one being that he does not want to waste his five charges for nothing. Another being that he ran out of charges.

It could a situation where he needs a lot of mobility, as well.
Quote Originally Posted by krud View Post
His dps still sux, so he might as well go into his stance.
The stance increases the DPS. The problem is that mobility is important to an intimitank.
Quote Originally Posted by krud View Post
If you are going to assume a ranger gets the 6 pally aura, then you have to assume he's standing near the pally. Why would he be near if the pally did not intimidate a bunch of mobs for him to swing at?
"Oh, don't bother intimidating the boss. I have 85 AC around you. Just switch to DPS mode, bro."

Plus, the AC aura is not limited to the intimitank paladins. Many DPS paladins will have some ranks in it for the beenfit of others and/or themselves.
Quote Originally Posted by krud View Post
Nerf the monk splash all you want and you haven't changed a thing except perhaps **** off a bunch of people.
True, if the only fix done is nerfing monk AC.

Other fixes that may fix the problem are:
  • Change IR into non-Dodge.
    • Add items with lower bonus of the bonus type introduced by the new IR.
  • Change Chattering Ring into non-Dodge (NOT the same bonus type as the new IR)
    • Add items with lower bonus of the bonus type introduced by the new Chattering Ring.
  • Remove Favored Defense.
  • Increase S&B DPS.
  • Add new mitigation methods for S&B, like passive DR.
  • Add a few extra S&B-only AC via feats. (Careful to not add too much.)

There are possibly others, but yes, fixing will not be not easy.